Shepherd Headcanons (General & x Reader)

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Requested by Matrixn

While I'm unsure if the request was just for general headcanons or headcanons across the board, you all get Shepherd x Reader as a treat. As a side note, Google translate was used for Russian words so some might not be 100% accurate

Updated slightly 9/17/21


- Transfem Demigirl (She/They)

- Lesbian

- Autistic (I got this one from someone on IG/Tumblr and unfortunately can't remember who it was)

- Around 5'10", basically Ena's height

- I've said this on Tumblr before, but I HC that Shepherd does that cat thing there they slap objects (or other cats... or their owners) at rapid speeds

- Shep definitely has a primordial pouch. Google it if you've never seen one before

- I'm left to guess that with Shepherd and other characters that don't speak English, you can actually physically see their subtitles, so her learning English isn't necessary to communicate with people

Shepherd x Reader:


- Similar to Moony, Shepherd can have a hard time conveying her emotions properly - at least at first. With time, she'll just become extremely blunt

- They may seem distant at times, like they don't want to spend time with you or that they don't want you around. This isn't the case. They're just very dedicated to their job


- She's a cat, meaning that she can go from being extremely clingy and cuddly to not wanting to be touched. This can make cuddling a bit difficult at times

- A good solution is just hanging around near them and waiting for them to be in the right mood

- A benefit of being in a relationship with a cat? The purring. Also the headbutting. They're both good ways to tell that Shep wants to get close


- Pet names in Russian are most common - малышка (malyshka, "baby"), милая (meelaya, "cute" or "darling"), любимая (lyubeemaya, "beloved"), and  киска (kiska, "kitten") being used often


- Again, she's a cat. Sometimes she'll be upset for you for (seemingly) no good reason, although these times are thankfully rare as they're usually pretty good at just talking things out

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