Ena Headcanons (General and x Reader)

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- Nonbinary/Genderfluid/Transfem (She/They)

- Trixic (NBLW), leans towards liking women/fem-aligned people but has been known to be into guys

- Has Autism, Generalized Anxiety, ADHD, and possible BPD

- 5'10" (or around there), rarely stands up straight

- Her drunk form tends to show up more often when she's dizzy, but she's also fully capable of actually getting drunk

- They're on the border of being touch starved and touch adverse. It depends who wants to hug them and what mood they're it, and they're usually okay with cuddling Moony

- Speaks a bit of Spanish

Ena x Reader


- Likes just wandering around her strange, often unnerving world with you

- Will understand if you're put off by her mood swings, but it will put a strain on the relationship

- Ena tends to exist on the line between touch-starved and touch-adverse, depending on how well she knows you. If you're already dating, chances are she'll be all over you (although she still has days where she'd rather not be touched)

- Loves giving you gifts! Ranges from things she actually bought to cool rocks she picked up on her way to see you


- She's also big on cuddles, and that's not even limited to romantic relationships

- Likes cuddling while facing you (so she can kiss your face) or lying on your chest


- Pet names used include darling, beloved, dear/dearest, and shorthands of your actual name.

- Utilizes Spanish for romantic purposes. Spanish pet names include príncipe/princesa (prince/princess), mi amor (my love), and corazón (heart)


- Arguments are rare since high-stress situations usually just end up making her sick, so everything de-escalates pretty fast while you make sure she's okay

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