02. puking pastilles

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     "A LITTLE RUSTY there, Vaughn," Adrian called out as the Beater missed yet another target shot.

     Josette rolled her eyes ignoring the team captain, which in her opinion didn't even deserve the spot, but most of the team was made up of sexist males who even gave the girls on the team a hard time.

     She wouldn't admit she was rusty, but it had been quite a while since she stepped into the Quidditch pitch. The Triwizard Tournament had postponed the Quidditch season the previous year and she had only played a couple of hours throughout the break. She had debated quitting the team altogether until Athena begged her not to. They already had a shortage of girls due to Adrian and it was no doubt Josie was one of the best beaters Hogwarts had had in a while (plus she needed something to let her anger out on.)

     "Who's the captain for each team this year?" Leo questioned nearing a frustrated Josette. Athena, Astra, and Leo had noticed the amount of stress she was carrying, so they were trying their best to help her raging emotions.

     Josie took a deep breath before turning towards the group. "I heard Potter almost got expelled, so I'm not even sure if he is playing, but Angelina is a possibility for Gryffindor. Hufflepuff is undecided since no one wants to take Cedric's old spot because. . . well you all know. Lastly, I'm sure Davies still holds the title for Ravenclaw captain." She replied with all the information she could think of. "I'm just glad Wood isn't here and hopefully Adrian gets injured."

     "That makes two of us," Astra said glaring towards the captain who wore a proud - but annoying grin on his face. "You know, we've been praying for his downfall, yet it hasn't happened. What's up with that? I'm sure we aren't the only ones who want him gone."

     "Trust me, we aren't," Athena replied.

     "He's basically Snape's favorite student, how do you think he stole the position from Marcus Flint." Said Josette.

     "Well, Snape has to like you at least a bit considering you got the Head Girl position, I'm positive he was the one who recommended you to Dumbledore," Astra replied.

     Josette let out a groan. "Don't even remind me about being Head Girl, turns out there's more responsibility than I thought. Roger Davies got Head Boy and he hasn't stopped complaining that I didn't help him out on the train the first day. Adding onto that, he keeps nagging that I have to attend the meetings, can you believe him?" She exclaimed.

     "That's part of the job, Josie," Leo said trying to hold in his laughter.

     "He's just a kiss-ass, basically Adrian as a Ravenclaw. He's trying to become the best Head Boy ever to exist, but apparently, I'm preventing him from doing so." Josette said as she played with her red-polished nails. Along with the red lip she wore constantly, her red nails were a way of showcasing the witch's feelings.

     "Isn't Umbridge supposed to attend the meetings as well, Faye overheard someone say she thinks the prefects are slacking at their job," Astra said remembering what one of her friends, from Ravenclaw, had said.

     At the mention of the professor, Josette developed a headache. She had attended her class earlier that day and almost fell asleep (she was about to, but her annoying voice prevented her from doing so.) The students were forbidden to use magic in the class which defeated the whole purpose of "defense". She was close to inviting her to play Quidditch so she could knock her out, but she rather not spend another minute with the lady.

ATOMIC BLONDE! ── george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now