The benders part 1

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"I know you're just doing your job, but the police have been here already. I don't understand why we have to go through this again. The more he tells the story, the more he believes it's true." The woman said.

Sam and Dean were dressed up as police officers, they had the hats and everything. Alison laughed at them.

"Mrs. Mcay." Sam started as him and dean took their hats off. "We know you spoke with the local authorities." He said.

"But this seems like a matter for the state police." Dean added.

"Don't worry about how crazy it sounds, Evan." Sam said to the boy. "You just tell us what you saw."

"I was up late watching tv, when I heard this weird noise." Evan told them.

"What did it sound like?" Sam asked him.

"It sounded like a monster."

Sam and Dean looked at each other.

"Tell the officers what you were watching on tv." Mrs. Mcay told her son.

"Um, Godzilla vs motha." Evan said.

Dean laughed lightly.

"That's my favorite Godzilla movie." He said with a smile. "So much better than the original, huh?"

"Totally." The boy smiled back.

"Yeah, he likes the remake." Dean said as he gestured to Sam.

"Yuck." Evan said.

"That's what I—" Dean started but was cut off by Sam clearing his throat.

"Evan, did you see what this thing was?" Sam asked.

"No. But I saw it grab Mr. Jenkins. It pulled him underneath a car." Evan told them.

"Then what?" Sam asked him.

Evan sighed.

"It took him away. I heard the monster leaving, it made this really scary sound."

"What did it sound like, Evan?"

"Like this...whining growl."

The men nodded as they glanced at one another, then looked back at the mother and son.

"Thanks for your time." Sam said.

Alison was eating Cheetos while waiting for Sam and Dean to get back. She noticed sams bag in the floor below her, and she got curious.

She set her bag of Cheetos off into the seat beside her, then reached down and pulled the heavy bag up. She unzipped it, and started looking through it.

Ali tilted her head as she saw a math textbook. She pulled it out and shoved the bag back into the floor.

She then opened the book and started reading it, using her finger as a guide to keep her place.

She was amazed by all of the equations, and that math had letters in it! She got so distracted that she didn't even hear the two men get back into the car until she heard Sam.

"Is it interesting?" He asked making Alison look up.

She nodded with a smile. Dean turned and looked back, he made a face when he saw her reading the book.

"Hey, you're supposed to be my kid, not Sammys." He stated.

Alison giggled. Sam smiled but it slightly faltered when he saw the girls cheeto fingers.

"Okay, okay. How about you wash your hands, and then you can keep reading it." Sam said reaching back and gently pulling the book away from her.

"Otay." Ali shrugged. "But in the meantime, tan I have your hat?"

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