Once Upon a Miracle...

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It all came to her as a surprise, a surprise that baffled her imaginative mind. It was one of those surprises that caught her off guard which was quite rare. That moment felt like it was far too good to be true, but she accepted it with wide and open arms. Maybe - just maybe, she had found the happy ending she desperately sought.

How much time had passed since she last felt like an absolute princess? When was the last time someone had whispered sweet nothings to her. How about the moment when her insides melted like ice cubes against warm human skin. Had it really been that long? However, her thoughts were consumed with the happiness of feeling loved again. To be loved again. Nothing else mattered to her, everyone else's opinion seemed irrelevant. She was blinded by the false affection that all seemed too real.

His smile could illuminate a dark room within milliseconds. Seeing a smile from him was such an infrequent privilege. But that's what made it special, the fact that she was the reason for his smile. Among other people the curving of his lips were minute. Around her, his lips would stretch from ear to ear and his shiny white teeth would cause more illumination. The way he laughed at her stupid jokes, even if they annoyed him more than anything. That had become their thing - ridiculous pick up lines. Everyday she had something new for him, whether it was genuinely comical or plain unimportant. He took them and appreciated them, cherished it with his wide heart.

His arms could comfort even the most hopeless people on earth. The way he held her so long and rested his cheek against the top of her head. When he whispered that everything would be okay, that he was always going to be there no matter what. It would feel like an eternity being in his arms, he refused to let go until she smiled again. A true, meaningful smile. Then there were the days he'd follow her around, hug her from behind and say how beautiful she looked to him. The days where he would attempt to lock their fingers together, his cheeks turning red as he pretended everything was completely normal. He found entertainment in the way she got annoyed with him and yet she couldn't help but smile at him. The boy always pulled her hair or poked her ticklish sides, rubbed her shoulders where he knew she was squeamish. Just to see her flip out. His touch made her vulnerable, his smile weakened her legs and his presence sent her to heaven.

The two had many inside jokes between them, some of which are now painful to relive. Their most popular inside joke, emojis. The significance that one emoji held for them both. The one emoji that was able to strengthen their bond beyond belief. The dark moon emoji had each of their stories behind it, they both explained to each other how the image represented their lives both metaphorically and literally. She had learned things about him that no one would expect in a million years. He learned things about her that no one had ever unlocked from the safe in her heart. Instantly, her heart was bonded to his in the sense that he knew how it felt. What it felt like to be depressed on the inside and happy on the outside. Where no one could tell that their latent feeling of giving up was present.

The day came where they officially confessed to one another. The girl was more of a straightforward person, not one to sugar coat things. So of course, she expressed herself first.
"I like you, a lot."
It was such a simple statement but it certainly wasn't disregarded by the young man. As he replied in much greater terms in her eyes.
"I like a girl. Her name starts with an A, her hair is always soft but I tease her and say it feels like wire. This girl I like, she's short beyond belief. At least, to me she is. This girl, she makes me so happy, a feeling I haven't felt in a while. You know who that girl is? It's you."
In that moment, it felt as if time stopped. She stared at the screen in shock at what had just been said, certainly wasn't the response she was expecting. Even so, she took it as if he were obligated to say it, not thinking much of it.
As weeks replaced one another in haste, her days seemed shorter. It never felt like she had enough time to talk to him. He made her feel like an absolute princess. Everyday he told her how his feelings toward her were. Throughout the day she received nothing less of a perfect, fairytale romance. Some days he would call her with nothing to say. Just to be able to hear her giggles and the childish voice she had. Sometimes he called just to bond over a few minutes of deep musical lyrics. Then there were times where he called just to say his heart ached to reconcile in person again. Those were the moments she began to live for. That was when she knew that he meant it when he said he liked her. Her dream of feeling wanted and missed had come true.

So much had happened in such little time, she hadn't realized how deep the anchor was at the bottom of the ocean until it was time to sail again.

The problem with falling for someone so quickly is that the opposing person will most likely not be as deep in as you are. She had fallen too hard and too fast without even noticing what was going on. Still, the warnings and remarks that were offered to her, she was oblivious to them even now. Everything that she began to live for came crashing down on her within such little time. The exuberance that was fairly fresh to her was dominated by the dejection that clashed against her heart.

He never truly had any feelings for her, it was all a joke that had gone too far. Suddenly everything that was said meant nothing, just a random act of kindness given towards her. The way he acted around her had no deeper meaning than just a game. Abruptly he changed his mind about her, she wasn't what he wanted. All along she was the conclusion to his experiment that he humorously conducted. She responded with nothing but remorse and shock. Yet even so, he didn't feel bad for her. Not even a piece of regret came from him, just coldness. The type of coldness that can slice a beating and loving object so severely that it could never be fixed. How, she wondered. How could a bright and sunny day turn into a thunderstorm within seconds? How could there not even be a feeling of sorrow or sympathy behind those words of torture.

After what seemed like years, she had it all figured out. Everything that happened, the events that occurred all made sense now. The nickname he had given her was so similar to the one his ex had. The things he said to her, the way he held her, it was all reminiscent of his past love. The one he had lost so unexpectedly. The girl placed the pieces of the puzzle together as the masterpiece stood before her. She was his medicine. The way she treated him, how she held him and how she never gave up on him. That was the temporary medicine to seal his heart made of dust into a solid frame again. Once his heart had been filled with cockiness and confidence, he didn't need the medicine anymore. He was able to live his life without the supportive substance by his side. All he needed was someone to heal him, someone to use until everything felt better again. And she had become his volunteer blindly.

Everything from that day on felt different. There wasn't anyone to hold her and tell her that everything will be okay. No one was there to tease her and make her laugh like she used to. The most heartbreaking part it all, was starting fresh again. He walked down towards her, she walked up towards him, their arms side by side. His eyes focused directly ahead of him while hers were focused on his shoes. And just like that, they were strangers again. Strangers that knew nearly everything about each other yet impervious of one another physically. As he walked past her without looking back, the cord that connect their two hearts broke. His heart was still intact while hers managed to receive a few bruises. The red cord laid on the floor in front of her face as she came to the realization that everything would be changed. All she had left were the memories that once comforted her but now made her cringe. That's when she knew, it was all officially over.

Her Babo was elated and beaming. His Gelo was joyful on sight and demolished on the inside. And still, everyone passed on in their lives without even acknowledging. Now she's on the road to recovery, ending a beautiful and tragic chapter in her novel.

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