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well, there will be like two nsfw scenes in this chapter so be warned i guess
it wasn't my intention to write nsfw but i guess that's how it turned out
the second one could be considered as sexual assault so be careful while reading it !!

So without further adieu...
I present to you,
Anger, Sex, Affairs.

"You piece of shit!" George yelled as he threw his clamped fists harshly into the raven's chest. "Why are you like this?! Why can't you just be happy for me??" He cries.

"Woah, woah!" Alex pushes him an arms length away. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"

George looks into the murky — menacing — eyes. "You, you didn't do anything?!" He scoffed, because he knows that the other is full of shit. Dream hadn't lied to him. There was no possible way that he could, right? "You are the one who went batshit crazy on Dream and you say you didn't do anything?!"

He starts pummeling the boy again. He knows that the other just wants to look out for him, that's what best friends are for; but Alex has crossed a line. A thick line. That line being between friendship and parental roles. Alex has no right to control who George gets with, and even though none of George's relationships in the past had turned out to be good, Alex still had no right. No right to control who he had loved.

"I was just trying to protect you!" Alex shouts back, taking the brunette's hands into his own as an attempt to stop the constant hits coming his way. "Isn't that what best friends do?"

His voice is softer this time; George finds comfort in that. It's not very often that he hears Alex speak in such a sweet, comforting way to him. It's been months. Years. He likes it. It reminds him of when they had been younger and without a care in the world. The years when they would play Minecraft and lounge around their bedrooms all day on the phone. Those were good days; carefree days.

"They don't get in between the other's relationships though." George seethes.

"It's not my fault."

"What do you mean?! You're the one who beat up Dream, here. I am most definitely sure that it's your fault."

"No!" Alex yells. But he's not angered, just seemingly frustrated. "No, it's just that I can't control the way I feel."

After George found out about what had happened to Dream, he stormed out of the building, leaving the blonde behind, and to Alex's dorm room. He wasn't sure where Dream had headed off to, but he was too pissed to care.

"The way you feel?" The brunette scoffed. "And what could you possibly mean by that?!" George absolutely hates fighting with his best friend but there's no other way to go about it. After all, he has every right to be angered with the other. The raven quite literally beat the shit out of the man he loves. No. No, he can't love them. But what if he can't control that side of him? What if he's gotten too deep to the point of no return? What if he's stuck? What if he likes that? The constant fear of never being able to escape. The fear of being stuck forever. Maybe that's exactly what he wants. To feel grounded in a way.

Before George knows, Alex is stepping closer. Too close. Too close to be friendly.

"Alex." George warned. He knew where this was going. It was odd though, mainly because the other was supposedly straight. "Back the fuck off." This was easier. Fighting was easier than ruining everything just for some stupid sex.

"God, George," Alex cooed running his firm hand along the brunette's forearm. George shuddered at the touch. He hadn't done anything — well, enjoyable at least — for years. Maybe this would help him forget about Dream; help him move on. "You know how beautiful you are?"

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