character insights.

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These are the insights of current characters.

-George is twenty-two, openly gay, and uses he/him pronouns

-Clay(I use Dream for the first few chapters for purposes) is nineteen, a closeted pansexual, and uses
he/they pronouns

-Sapnap (Again, used for purposes) is eighteen, openly bisexual, and uses he/him pronouns

-Karl is eighteen, openly bisexual, and uses they/he pronouns

-Alex is twenty, straight, and uses he/him pronouns

I might be adding more characters along the way so I will also frequently update.

Now, let's get into the plot of the story.

George moved from London to America around the age of eighteen in an attempt to get away from his toxic life style — doing drugs, partying, sleeping around with anyone and everyone — and to get away from his rather manipulative parents. Sure, they'd been decent to him most of his life but they were never actually there for him. Most days they'd leave for work and not come back until late night, while they were there, as well as George, they would constantly belittle him, tell him how little he'd meant to them, call him a fuck up and so on. He told himself as soon as he'd graduate high school that he would head of to college as soon as possible, which he did manage to do.

He was worried at first, being on his own and all, but it had gotten easier over the months. He managed to find a job working as a TA in a university and as well managed to meet a few friends, like Alex. But what he hasn't expected was to meet someone else. Someone who would most likely wreck him to the point of no return. Clay, who had went by Dream around all others.

Clay had lived in Florida for the majority of his life, only coming shortly after his fifth birthday — two months after his parents split up — His life was rather difficult: low income, not many friends, homophobic family, and so on. He learned to block away his emotions as well as turn on other people when he'd become suspicious of their actions. This lead to many toxic relationships and toxic lifestyles. But it got easier once he moved off for University. He fit in well. He was accepted with the big leagues, immediately being brought into a frat house. How cliché.

When George moved to Florida he had no idea where to go and what to do, his plan had originally been to head to Alex's place but it had turned out he'd been in New York for months, studying for criminology as he'd been accepted to a rather nice university. But luckily for George, Alex would be returning weeks later.

While George was left to teach a group of annoying and bossy students he met someone who would change his life. Would it be for the worse or for the better . . .? Only time can tell.

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