Chapter 4

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"You are so helpful in the kitchen! Who taught you how to cook?" Adelinde said watching (Y/n) cook. "My mother did when I was younger, she always thought cooking was a very important skill, even when exploring." The female replied as she was throwing some spices in a pot. "Smart women," The maid then left the kitchen saying she was going to fold laundry. (Y/n) vaguely heard her but focused on the stew. It was one of her mother's recipes, a very special one at that. The manor didn't have all the spices she needed, of course, most of the ones she needed were exclusive to Liyue. Yet these would make it taste almost the same. "I see you are being helpful as always," (Y/n) turned around to see Kaeya standing in the doorway. "The hell are you doing here?"

(Y/n) got along with Kaeya just fine but after the teasing the other night she wanted to slap him. "Diluc wanted me and Venti to check on you, but the bard was already drunk off his ass," Kaeya replied to her. From what Diluc told her it wasn't very often Kaeya came by here. If he did it was typically an unwanted one at that. "I'm fine, just not feeling well lately." The (e/c) eyed girl turned back around to finish the stew she was making.

"Maybe a drink would help with that?"

"I am not going to the Tavern Kaeya." Her voice was stern and cold, the cryo user knew when to back off, and he decided that was the time to.

"Alright, I'm going to head back. Everyone is asking for you though."

"Mhm have a nice night," Kaeya stared for a moment, he knew something deeper was going on but it wasn't his place to push. He shook his head started to make his way out. (Y/n) felt a little upset over the fact she couldn't go to work. She desperately wanted to go back to the tavern and see everyone, she wanted things to go back to her normal routine. Once the windblume festival was over she could go back. It would be fine soon enough. "Alright, I'm back! Kaeya was just here wasn't he?" Adelinde looked around the room searching for said man. "He was but I think he wanted to get back to the party in town!" A small laugh came from (Y/n) as she stared at the stew in front of her.

"Shame, but more for us I suppose!"


"Good morning girly!" (Y/n) laid on the floor, her eyes looking around in the darkness. "Ajax?" It had been a few days since he locked her in here. "I'm back, that big mission I told you about, remember the one where I 'kill rex lapis'? Yea took care of that. It did take a few days though. Got the gnosis though!" The man smiled and held up the gnosis like it was a prize. "You did what? Ajax are you crazy?" The (h/c)-haired girl shouted at him, the man only laughed. "It's a good thing I caught you when I did, otherwise this might not have gone the way it did."

He slipped the Gnosis into his pocket and made his way over to the wall where she was chained. (Y/n) backed up against the wall as far as she could go, her face turning away from his. Ajax grabbed the chain that was connected to her collar and tugged her close to him. She tried to fight the chain as best she could but the choking feeling was too much for her. A loud coughing fit followed as she couldn't resist anymore. "You deserve this you know that right? I can't trust you anymore. I hate to see you so helpless but it's the best thing for us." (Y/n) couldn't stand being so close to him, she felt sick. The ginger placed a hand on her waist. "Stop it-"

"Shut up, just endure it."

He pressed closely against her leaving no space between them. (Y/n) made a noise of discomfort as he tugged the on the chain again. He made it to where the two were inches apart. "Please-" A chuckle left his mouth as he watched her try to squirm away from him. This was all just one big game to him, he was actually insane. She just wanted to go home. "This is your punishment for being a traitor, remember that." He paused, "But don't worry I'll train you to behave, you'll never do this to me again" A cry left her lips as his other hand grasps her wrist harshly. "I fucking hate you Ajax-"

"No, you don't,"

"I do with every fiber I hate you, everything we did meant nothing to me. I had a job, and I was doing it."

"You are going to regret saying that-"


Diluc finally was done for the night and was just getting home. Another rowdy night with Venti singing and people having a good time. He was more tired than usual. Maybe it was because of the extra business on top of his daily chores and duties. He didn't know, but he was just glad to finally be home. A few of the maids were still up doing the late-night chores and greeted him as he walked by. After trudging his way through the halls of the manor he made it to his room.

At first, he didn't notice the sleeping girl on his bed, he was about to get undress and then did a double-take. He saw (Y/n) laying on this sleeping peacefully. He sighed and rubbed his temples. Of course, this wasn't the first time that she had crawled into his bed when worked late. He didn't mind it but he just wondered why? She never gave him an answer but he just let it be. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, he didn't want to wake her. That would be rude to do.

Diluc shrugged his jacket off before he made his way over to the bed. He kneeled and stared at the female for a moment. After staring at her he saw the tear-stained cheeks she had. She was crying? (Y/n) never showed herself crying in front of him. There were moments where she would get teary-eyed, or would quickly wipe a tear away. He had seen her cry three times. Only three times had Diluc seen (Y/n) full-on cry. Seeing how upset she was worried him deeply. It left him with a weird feeling he couldn't quite understand. The man typically pushed it down but right now he just couldn't do that.

"Let's get you to your bed," He whispered to nobody, he then gently picked her up and started making his way out of the room. "Diluc?" (Y/n) rubbed her eye and looked up to see she was being carried by her friend.

"Sorry for falling asleep in your bed, it helps me sleep easier when your not here..." Clearly she was loopy still.

"Why does it help you sleep?"

"Because I feel safe.." Diluc raised a brow. Feel safe? He opened the door to her room. "Diluc... I miss Liyue." The pyro user laid her down in her bed and had a very puzzled look. "Liyue? (Y/n) what are you talking about? Did you live in Liyue?"

"Goodnight Diluc..."

She never answered his question and knew she wouldn't. (Y/n) wasn't even aware of what she had told him. Diluc wouldn't bring it up though, he knew that when people weren't in the right mind they would say things they shouldn't. Exactly the reason he didn't like drinking, he never felt like himself. With another sigh, he left her be for the night and left the room. Tomorrow was the last day of the festival and then things would go back to normal. He hoped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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