Chapter 3

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(Y/n) sat in her room flipping through pages in a random book she found. It was early in the afternoon and she was very very bored. Ever since the night at the Tavern when she heard his voice, the poor girl wouldn't leave the manor until the Windblume festival was over. It had been nearly a whole week since then though. She only had the weekend left as well, but something else was getting everyone in the manor worked up. The workers and maids had noticed that (Y/n) was avoiding Diluc at every chance she could. She would go out of her way to help the maids cook or clean, and the workers with the grapevines and bottling the wines. Diluc wouldn't get home until the very early mornings after closing the tavern, he still had to get up and do his daily task at the Winery. That left little time for him to talk to (Y/n) this week, she seemed to be busy when he wasn't.

Of course, everyone knew she was doing this on purpose but nobody but Diluc knew why. She didn't want to open to him about what had happened that night, whether it was because she was afraid or embarrassed he didn't know. He was just concerned for her. (Y/n) yawned and tossed her book aside, the girl really needed to do something productive but all the maids and workers shooed her away. She just wanted to help. "Maybe I should go see Albedo in dragon spine?" She muttered thinking about the blonde. He had been teaching her how to paint as payment for watching Klee. She was a handful even for Jean sometimes.

A knock at her door scared her for a moment. "Who is it?" She asked making her way over to the door. "It's me." Diluc was outside her door, she was not ready to talk with him. "I'm sorry I was just heading out I can't ta-"

"(Y/n) let me in,"

She sighed loudly and frowned. Diluc was stubborn about things, especially with people he cared about. He had a hard time showing it with others and may come across as rude, but deep down, he cared. (Y/n) just wished he didn't care this time around. "Diluc I really have to go," The door opened and the man barged his way in. The (h/c) haired girl rolled her eyes at him, she shut the door after he stepped through the doorway. She didn't need the maids hearing anything and gossiping. "Do you want to explain why you left early that night, you said you would tell me,"

(Y/n) bit her lip and looked away from him. "I-I am sure you understand, you're a smart man you can put two and two together..." She mumbled and began to fiddle with a strand of her hair. "I think I have an idea but I would like to get the full picture (Y/n),"

"That's him.."

Diluc's brows furrowed, a look of confusion crossing his face quickly. He then realized what she had meant. It was him, the man that she had escaped from a year ago. (Y/n) knew he finally understood and her eyes began to get watery, she didn't want to go on with this topic any longer. She just hoped that he would let her stay at home for the rest of the festival. "I understand now, do you need to talk about it?" The man was trying to be somewhat comforting but it came out more awkward, he didn't understand how to comfort people. He had never really been the best at it, but he assumed that she may have needed it at this point. "No, I would just prefer to be left alone," With that Diluc left her to be by herself.


"Traitor! You are nothing but a traitor!" The oranged-haired man yelled as he paced back and forth. His blue eyes were filled with anger and betrayal. He had never felt this way before about anyone and then she had to go and ruin it. She tricked him. "I-I'm sorry Ajax! I didn't mean for it to be this way!" She yelled back at him. Her chains jingled as she struggled against them. "No you wanted me behind bars, you wanted me gone!" He slammed his fist against the wall causing a slight dent. He was furious at her. "How could you (Y/n)? You worked for her! You were working for Ningguang this entire time?"

"I was the only one w-who would be fit for this, I didn't have a vision. I'm sorry I promise!" (Y/n) panicked, did anyone know where she was? Were they looking for her? Her eyes searched the unfamiliar room. Ajax had never taken her here, she didn't even know this room existed. "You are nothing but a liar," The poor girl didn't know what to do, she couldn't even try to escape, the man had her chained. (Y/n) never thought he would do something like this. She didn't think he was capable of something this rash. "Did any of matter to you? Was this all just facade to get me to lower my guard around you?"

She didn't answer him in fear, if she did, it would just make him angrier at her. He understood what she was going to say anyway. "I see. Well then, you are going to stay here until it does matter to you."

Ajax started to make his way out of the room. "Ajax no- please let me go! No, don't leave me alone! AJAX!"


(Y/n) awoke with a loud gasp, her heart was beating fast and her body felt hot. It was a nightmare, she was safe. She looked at the clock on the wall, it was late in the afternoon. She must have fallen asleep at some point. Diluc was long gone by this point, he was the tavern tending to the customers. (Y/n) needed to do something to get her mind off of her nightmare, anything.

She grabbed a hair tie from her nightstand and pulled her hair up, hoping it would make her less hot. She felt too warm at the moment and would do anything to cool off. Maybe the maids would finally let her help out in the kitchen, assuming they knew she had finally talked to Diluc. Yes, that's would she would. 

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