Chapter 4: Concord #1

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(Y/N)'s POV

Me and the dog I just met who I forgot to name we're on our way to concord and I was able to see the entrance to the city, the problem was I also saw what looked liked giant ass mosquitoes sucking out what I presume blood from a dead cow like thing that had 2 heads.

(Y/N): "What in the actual fuck" I say in slight curiosity but also in slight disgust.

This in turn however alerted the giant mosquitoes that I was around and they stopped feeding on the cow thing and started to take flight then they charged at me and the dog, who started barking at the mosquitoes then started to attack one of them killing it with ease. I then took my machete I had attached to my backpack and sliced into the mosquito killing it before it could get to me.

(Y/N): "I swear to god if I find out that more bugs are 10 times bigger than usual, I'm gonna freak out. God I hate bugs!"

I reattached the machete onto my backpack then pet the dog and started to head into Concord but I was only a couple of feet into Concord before I heard shouting and gunshots near the Main Street of Concord. I didn't want to go near the conflict but my curiosity got the best of me and I started to head to the Main Street. Once I got there I saw like 5 men in very wastelander looking shooting at a guy in a balcony who was returning fire with a laser gun. Before I could hide behind something one of the men turned around, saw me and said:

Raider: "Hey there is person behind us!! Start shooting at them!!"

With that 3 of the men started to shoot at me while the other 2 men kept shooting at the guy in the balcony. I ducked behind a ruined car and heard so much bullets being shot at me! I didn't know what to do because I didn't see a way to escape and I didn't want to shoot at someone and possibly kill them! But I then remembered what I promised to my parents: I would find Shaun no matter the cost. So I peeked out the side of the car and saw that they were reloading, so I took this opportunity to shoot back at them with my 10mm pistol! I was able to headshot 2 of them, instantly killing them and I was able to shoot the third one in the arm that was carrying his gun so he dropped the gun and was obviously in pain but before he can go for his gun with his other arm, the dog rushed at him, tackled him to the ground, and began to rip into his throat, killing him. I knew I wasn't done as I saw the 2 other guys didn't notice I had killed their friends and the guy on the balcony was yelling at me to help him, so I decided to sneakily and quickly get behind one of the men while the dog seemingly getting what I was doing, he went behind the other guy and attacked him before the guy I was behind could react to what was happening to his friend, I took my machete and slit his throat while the dog bit into the other guys neck and started to shake to kill the guy and when he was successful with that and the guy I had slit his throat was dead at my feet, I went over to the dog and patted his head.

(Y/N): "You are definitely the best boy ever"

The dog loved the attention and his tail was wagging so hard, my god it was so adorable!

Preston: "As much as I love this heartwarming moment you 2 are having, there are more raiders inside so grab that laser musket on the ground and please help us!"

I looked at the guy and looked at the body on the ground that had a gun next to it, I went over to the gun and picked it up. It looked kinda like a sniper rifle but it had a crank on the side.

(Y/N): "How do I even use it?!" I asked the guy

Preston: "You crank the side of it with that handle and you will see the it begin to glow inside the gun, thats when you know it's ready to shoot! It only shoots one at a time but it's super deadly! Now please help us!!"

I took the gun, and cranked the handle and I saw it begin to glow inside of the gun! I thought it was so cool but I didn't have time to fanboy for the gun, I opened the door into the museum and saw that there were 3 people on a bridge inside the museum, who were shooting at the room I'm guess the guy was in. So I took aim at one of the guys head and fired the laser gun and saw his head pop like a balloon! I then took out the other 2 guys with my pistol because I knew I wouldn't have time to crank the rifle in time to get the other guys. I then started to venture into the museum occasionally having to kill some raiders I then got to the top floor where the room the guy was in and I saw three raiders at the door trying to kick it open. I took aim at the guys and fired a whole mag into all three of them and they all crumbled to the floor, bullet holes all over them. I then went to the door and knocked on it and said:

(Y/N): "Hey it's the guy from outside! I took care of the raiders for you!"

I then heard people talking in the room before I heard someone walk up to the door and opening it and I saw 5 people in the room looking terrified...

(The next part with be with the power armor and deathclaw showdown so stay tuned :})

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