- chapter 4 -

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Tommy and I hummed along to the music as the stars lite up the sky.

It was 10 minutes before we arrived. I looked over to see Tommy wide awake, he downed that Monster.. I told him it was a bad idea. I was going to rub it in his face but he already seemed to have regret. I nudged him and mumbled out,

"wake up Toby we are almost there.." I said with a yawn not to far behind. I didn't finish my Monster because I didn't want to die of heart attack.

I saw Tommy turn a bit and poke Toby. I saw Toby's head pop up, he stretched hitting the back of my seat.

"sorray didn't mean to hit your seat" He said softly. I just nodded.

"it's fine, we are almost to this place you want us to go to." I mumbled.

Toby started to jump up and down excitedly in his seat, a huge grin on his face. I turned into what seemed as a rich person area and man was I right. There were huge houses and a beach not to far. It was 4:10 in the morning and we are going to be living in one of these AirBnB's. I started to get so hyped by this. My sleepy-ness had worn off when we turned into here. Siri screamed that we arrived. We were closest to the beach and it looked to be the biggest one in the park.

Toby slowly got out getting the door for me.

"Wilbur rented it and he will be assigning rooms when everyone gets here.." He told me.

"okay, are we the last to get here ?" I asked I got a nod in responce.

Tommy came from around the car as I shut the car door. We were going to get out luggage after we knew where we were staying. I saw a figure on the porch. A LONG LANKY SHAGGY HAIRED MAN.. Was just standing there with a mug in hand. I saw Toby wave and then run for him. I saw so tired from driving the excitement only lasts so long. I yawned and waved and then it hit me. This was the Wilbur Soot.. I listen to his songs and watch his streams. My jaw dropped as I realized.

I tried not to fangirl over it but dang- I literally sing along to his songs all the time. I calmed myself as he opened the door and welcomed us in. I saw the living room with.. Dream Team huddled up scrolling on Sapnap's phone, I saw Niki watching the sunrise, and lastly I saw Ranboo and Toby charging for each other. They hugged tightly and welcomed Tommy to the hug. I smiled and walked over to the couch.

"alright, now that everyone is here.. we have to settle rooms. I believe there is 4 rooms.. 2 double beds and 2 separate bedrooms." He sighed.. "minors shush during this got it, anyways, I will be sharing with Niki, Dream team sharing.. The double beds btw- Then Tubbo and Tommy will share leaving Ranboo and Y/n." He took a quick breathe. "Is everyone cool with that ?"

There we various 'yes's, yup's, and mhm's'. I thought Ranboo was pretty chill from what I see. He looks to me and shyly waves. I wave back with a soft smile, Ranboo had almost the same eyes as me and Toby, but lighter.

I went outside to grab my bags and Toby stopped me.

"don't be stupid" he said.

I pushed him away and yelled "YUCK TOBYYY" dragging the y.

I grabbed my bag still grossed out by Toby. I decided to try and brush it off.

I went upstairs and saw there we names outside the room's. I saw 'Ranboob and Y/n. I giggled at the sight. I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in'. I opened the door and walked in setting my bag at the end of the bed closest to the door.

Ranboo was just chilling on his phone, he would giggled every now and then. We had a bathroom connected to our room, and a closet inside the bathroom- I had no clue how long we were staying. It could be all summer- I brushed it off I was so tired at this point. I grabbed my backpack, and went into the bathroom. I grabbed the dino hoodie I stole from Toby and some black running type shorts. I pulled my hair out of the bun brushing it out.

who is that ? ( Tommy x Y/N )Where stories live. Discover now