Chapter 5

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Okay, here you go. The last and final planned chapter for this story and I really hope you enjoy this version of events better than you did in the show. Thank you everyone for your reviews and comments. As always they are greatly appreciated.

For those that have enjoyed this story and would like to see more, let me know if you want more chapters of this story or if you would want a sequel.


Elizabeth read, and reread and reread the letter yet again before totally breaking down into hysterical sobs. She completely broke down, falling to the floor and just crying her heart out, so confused as to how after her very open confession that she wanted to be with him and only him Nathan had believed she had chosen Lucas.

Rosemary who was walking in town saw the door to the jail wide open and Elizabeth crying hysterically on the floor. She quickly walked up the steps and was shocked to find the jail completely empty besides for Elizabeth. Once again Rosemary sat down next to Elizabeth and held her tight. Rosemary knew that Elizabeth had wanted to be with Nathan so she was very confused by the scene that was unfolding in front of her eyes and as much as she wanted answers immediately, she knew she would have to wait until Elizabeth was calm enough to talk to her.

Rosemary: Elizabeth, what happened? Where's Nathan

Elizabeth: I don't know.

Rosemary: Okay, so you will find him soon and then you'll get to tell him how you feel. So why are you crying?

Elizabeth: Rosemary I did talk to him

Rosemary: So now I am really confused

Elizabeth: Me too.

Rosemary: I'm not trying to sound insensitive when you are clearly upset but can you please be more specific about what is going on.

Elizabeth: So after I left the house, I walked straight to the jail but bumped into Lucas who in front of Nathan told me he made a mistake and he is in love with me.

Rosemary: Okay, I totally didn't see that coming.

Elizabeth: Yeah, me neither

Rosemary: So what did you say?

Elizabeth: Nothing, Lucas and Nathan got into a heated argument, and eventually I asked them to grow up and let me talk. I asked Lucas if I could talk to him first and they both agreed. I told Lucas that I had really wanted to pick him but if I was being honest with everyone including myself I was completely in love with Nathan the whole time and therefore it was officially over between me and Lucas.

Rosemary: How did Lucas take it?

Elizabeth: He told me that if I didn't tell Nathan how I felt, then he would.

Rosemary: Typical Lucas.

Elizabeth: Yup

Rosemary: So what happened after you spoke with Lucas?

Elizabeth: I went and arranged a whole romantic picnic for me and Nathan, and I was really excited about it because although we have spent a lot of time together it was never romantic, or date like and I really wanted this conversation, this moment to be something special for both of us.

Rosemary: Nathan must have appreciated that gesture. I know he really wanted to have a real date with you for a while now.

Elizabeth: I wouldn't know what he thought of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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