Prologue: Return of a Demon

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3rd Person POV

Ah yes, Japan, truly a place of many wonders: from large and beautiful cities, the tranquil and quiet rural areas, traditional temples and shrines, and of course the nice people. On the last topic, the populous of Japan wasn't the most normal, compared to the majority of the planet at least. The population of this country didn't just have humans, it had demi-humans, angels, demons, vampires, and several more were walking about and accepted in this country. Though all of this is not to say Japan's the only country with a population like this, far from it, countries like America, India, Philippines and many more had populations much like Japan's, simply put Japan had the largest percentage of the above mention races, for lack of a better word. Now even amongst regular humans, lay their very own 'monsters'. The most notable of these so called 'monsters' was not a singular it was an entire clan, this was of course the infamous 'Kure Clan', a clan made up of assassins. 

500 kilometers away from Tokyo, lies a particular city where the above mentioned Kure clan has vast influence over. Despite this only about 10-15% of the city's population is made up of the Kure clan and their clients. Despite being primarily run by a family of assassins the city is fairly normal in its own right, with a few schools and what not located there as well. At one of the further parts of the city, one individual could be seen standing out amongst the crowd; mostly due to most people's attention being drawn to him. He looked to be about 19-21 years of age, around 180 cm in height; wearing a simple blue  colored hoodie, the ends of the hood having white wool, paired with a simple white undershirt, black pants and shoes. He had dyed (hc) hair, with a few black strands of fair being untouched, though what stood out the most about his physique were his eyes, the sclera being dark and the pupils white, a trait seen amongst all the Kure Clan members. He sighs and walks towards the large traditional Japanese house at the center of the city, ignoring the passing comments those around him made. 

Once the male finally arrived at the entrance of the house, he went to open the door, though he'd be lost in his own thoughts, not noticing a relative of his walking over and lightly tap his back. "Yo been a while huh (Y/N)?". (Y/N) then turned around to come face to face with a female, around the same age as him, though shorter than him by a fair bit. She had black hair styled in a bob cute with a large bang in between her eyes, cute dainty features and of course the eyes associated to every member of the Kure clan. As for what she wore, it was very casual clothing nothing that special. "Yo Fusui, how have you been?". She smiled "I've been doing great! I'm an honors student at Koyo Unoversity! You proud?!" she asked the last part happily and with anticipation for your answer. You chuckled and lightly patted her on the head "Yeah, good job Fusui". She hummed happily and opened the entrance to the large house, dragging you with her "So why're you here? Shouldn't you be training in the Philippines? Oh! You must be here for the competition against Purgatory right?". 

"Yeah, you got that right, Yagoo-san called me saying Yamashita-sama was running out of options, and here I am". Fusui sighs sadly "Yeah, feel bad for the man, wait what company are you affiliated with again?'s been a while since your last Kengan match so I kinda forgot" she said sheepishly whilst scratching the back of her head. You sighed and lightly chopped her on the head "You're an honor student at Koyo University, how are you so forgetful". She pouted "You haven't changed in the slightest (Y/N)..." 

You chuckled "I know, and to answer your question it's Cover Corp" 

"That sounds familiar, well lets not think about that now! I'm sure everyone else will be glad to see you!" she then grabbed onto your hand and lead you to the main hall, also the largest room in the estate. It looked very traditional: with tatami flooring, shoji paper doors and everything. Here several members of the Kure Clan can be seen. "Heyyyy~ Guess who's back?~" Fusui said happily in a sing-song voice, everyone turned their heads to see (Y/N) there standing in a relaxed stance; noted by him giving a two fingered wave, with one hand in his pocket, and one eye closed, as if he was winking at them, with a smile on his face "Yo". Out of nowhere one of the people in the room quickly stood up and sent a right straight punch towards the returning Kure member, (Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly, but in an instant he'd recover from shock. He'd lightly push Fusui out of the way first, move slightly back and parry the punch, before sending one of his very own, though he'd stop at the last second as his fist was right in front of the attacker's face. "Explain yourself Reiichi" 

Demon and the Dragon (Kiryu Coco x Kure Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now