Chapter 30 - The Ultimate Finale

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Jennifer looked at the person that pulled her. She gasped in surprise.

Ani grinned at what she saw.

Red eyes locked onto Ani.

Ani held her phone and clicked a green button.

Kyran said aloud. "I remember when I was supposed to have a happy ending. It all leads back to me every then and now.."

Another man in suit arrived and held a desert eagle. More soldiers arrived.

Kyran looked around. His gaze focused on Ani though.

"You were supposed to die in that Virtual World, Kyran but you freaking escaped in time." She said while smiling innocently.

Kyran stared at her.

He teleported his friends to the rooftop next to them.

He disappeared too after. But his friends did not see him appear on the roof too. Instead, They saw a figure walking down the road. More figures appeared behind that one figure too.

As always, It was Kyran. He brought an Army. He pointed at Ani and the soldiers. "Get them."

The X-Soldiers began to aim their rifles and push forward. The street was now a war zone.

He teleported towards Ani and struck her in the head. "I should have fucking known it was all because of you. It doesn't end here though, I can fucking tell."

Ani laughed. "Everyone will forget you. You used us all and look where it got you!"

He glared at her. "Talking is useless." I pulled out a knife and stabbed her straight in the stomach.


Kyran reversed the effects and slapped her. "Fucking dumbass, I knew what you wanted to do."

Ani pushed Kyran and caught him off guard. She threw a punch at his stomach.

Kyran noticed her plan and used a skill of his, Prediction. He dodged it and kicked her in the stomach.

She got kicked back and she struggled to get up. Kyran landed and grabbed her. He grabbed her collar and used his free hand to get ready to punch her.

The guy in the suit pulled his deagle and fired at Kyran.

Kyran's back was shot and he let go of Ani. He turned his head towards the gun wielder.

He reached his hand out and made a hand gun with it. He pointed it at the man and fired. A bullet struck him in the heart and he fell over quickly.

He went back to Ani and, in front of his friends on the rooftop, punched her over and over again.

Kyran's mind began to get hazy. He held his hand to hold him together.

When his vision got normal again, He noticed a sniper shoot at him.

He tried to dodge but it still hit him.

He was too late. His vision wasn't normal at all. It made everything seem more far than it really was.

Kyran had a shocked expression on his face. He used his hand to put it over the bleeding hole. His legs began to stumble a bit but he held it all together.

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