chapter 1

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 "Miss you should fasten your seatbelt, we are begining our decent." the stuardess says as she shakes me awake.

        Great, now its official, my summer getaway is over, and its time to return to hell. Which means a quick stop at Sally's for some hair dye and another at my favorite retro store. At least I get to see my best friend. Its been a month since Ive been home. I went touring with my mom this summer on her summer fashion tour in Europe. She tried to convince me to stay with her and just hire a tutor, and meet some of her agents. She really thinks Im going to follow in her footsteps, but Im more of the argumentive lawyer types, or at least thats what Im hoping for when I graduate.

         As I walk down the steps off our family's private jet, I look out on the landing strip to see my favorite car waiting for me, with my favorite person standing next to it.

            "Anthony!" I yell as I run to his arms and give him a hug. "how have you been? did you take care of Mojo for me?"

            "Of course I did, he's in the car waiting for you," he replies with a chuckle just as my little chihuahua barks from the passenger seat of my convertable. You cant see him of course because he is so small and even though he is on his hind legs trying to look out the window, it does nothing for his hieght.

            I scoop him into my arms just as I get in. I tell anthony to make the usual stops when he asks me where to go. After picking up my usual box of dye, we head to my favorite classic store, to shop for retro outfits that no one would be caught dead in at our school.  He drops me off and goes to find a parking space since of course there isnt a valet in this part of town. I head to the same section that I look through every year. Its always the same the cordory overalls, the bright plaid shirts and the berrets. I grab a little of everything that would make me look undetectable and head to the fitting room.

          "excuse me miss, but you can only bring six items in there at a time." a young voice says to me.

           well this is a surprise. usually its only Mrs. Blake, the old lady that owns the store, in here and she lets me do whatever I want because she actually knows who I am. Being still caught up in my snotty fascade of being with my mom, I turn to give this kid a stern "do you know who I am arguement" when the words suddenly get stuck in my throat. what comes out instead is an almost "who are you?"

           I dont usually look at a guy in any kind of more than friends way, but everything about him makes me nervous. Everything from his light brown hair with natural highlights, to his gorgeous crystal blue eyes, makes me  want to just turn around and walk away in fear of making a fool out of myslef. For some reason I cant seem to make my legs move though. How can he make me this nervous? Ive been in front of thousands of people half nude modeling bikinis with my mom, yet one boy can make me feel like the world has stopped with one look.

            "Uh, Mrs. Blake, knows me very well, she never minds me bringing whatever i want into the dressing room, Im her best customer." I finally managed to get out.

               His eyes get watery as he looks at me, "Oh you must me Zya, yeah my grandmother told me you would be stopping by soon, I'm Corbin. Im sorry to have to tell you, but she had a heart attack two weeks ago. Im looking after the store for her for a little while, but she did ask me to give you something, hold on ill go get it."

            He is gone for a little longer than I wanted to wait, so I went ahead into the fitting room. As Im putting on an old-fashioned flower print sundress I realize I cant zip it up, and Anthony hasn't returned yet from parking the car so I guess I have no other option but to ask Corbin. I leave the room and head out to the front counter hoping he is there, he is. Looking at him sheepishly I turn around so my back is facing him, and ask for a zip.

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