Til Death Do Us Part

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Chapter 38

*4 hours earlier*

After eating breakfast we came back home, I don't know what the rest of the family did but I instantly fell asleep.

Dante had to wake up me up at 4 to get ready for the reunion which started at 5.

"I cant wait to see if Anara and Dillion are together today or not." Chi said as she applied mascara on her eyelashes. "Last time I checked they were fine."

"Last time I heard, he was sleeping on a bench outside the house cause she went crazy and kicked him out."

She always was the crazy one.

"The guys are rolling up and they'll be ready" I sighed and pulled my hair into a decently messy bun.

"Camille you look beautiful." I smiled at Chi, "You do too, you both do."

"Thank you! It's crazy to think we met almost 2 years ago." They both pulled me into a tight hug.

"2 years down, a lifetime to go." I laughed as Letta ran to the bathroom when her mascara began to run.

Kace leaned in the doorway, "You ready for this?" I nodded, Kace and I never spoke much but when we did it was always a great conversation. "Are you ready for that?" I pointed at Letta who stood in front of the bathroom mirror fanning her eyes.

"I've been ready." I smiled widely, "Don't break her heart Kace, we're all a little crazy here."

"I noticed." I rolled my eyes. I'm not even crazy and I hate when Dante tells people I am.

"Babe, come on." Kace held out his hand for Letta to take, Chi and I both smiled at each other. I'm happy Letta was able to get the guy.

"Chi! Bring your ass." Then there was Draven. I really do love that kids accent. It makes me laugh still. I'm happy he got the girl...or whatever it is they're doing.

"I'll see you there." Chi squeezed my hand, "I'm fucking coming!"

I sat down on the chair in front of the mirror.

If you would of asked me 2 years ago what I wanted to do when I got older, I would of just stared at you. I never planned on leaving my mom. I never planned on going to college honestly. I never planned on falling in love, like genuine love.

But they say the best things were never planned.

"Hey." Axe and Ryker gave me a soft smile. "Uglies, you both look decent."

"You don't look so bad yourself." Axe elbowed Ryker who stayed silent, "You don't look ugly today." I smiled at Rykers comment.

Axe has always been the one to say a joke with a serious face. He always looked as serious as Kace, but he had a better sense of humor.

Ryker...he's different, you could say. He's made mistakes but I forgive him. He's just broken like the rest of us. I don't blame him for anything, I do blame him for being a world class asshole though.

"Sorry, I forgot you lived here." He nodded his head at my comment but I saw the small smile on his face. "We'll meet you there Cam bam."

I held the necklace Dante got me in my hand. There's so much I could say about him, good and bad.

"The hottest man who walks this earth, has arrived." Zach crossed his arms over his chest, he had dark sunglasses covering his eyes. "You look like Paul Blart from Mall Cop."

The white shirt with the black tie along with the stance pulled the whole look together.

"See this is why I don't come to you, i'm sick of you humbling me." I shook my head and laughed, "You look good Zachy."

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