Chapter One/ Intro

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Although, they thought this would never happen to them.. Cole and Lili had decided to break up. It was very clear that they were so in love and that they still loved each other : it just wasn't working. After their break-up they had to continue with filming for quite a few weeks until it finally finished. when they were filming it was very hard for them to pretend they both weren't heartbroken and that they didn't miss eachother, because they did A LOT. After the day of filming had finished Lili would go home and turn on Netflix, but then usually ended up crying anyway. On the other hand, Cole tried to distract hisself and go places with KJ and charles but then when he got home he would have a cigarette and a beer while crying a little. This continued for a little while, by a little while i mean a very long time. They both cried over eachother for months and months on end until now where it was only Lili crying.

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