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eunhye watched in horror as the advisers of her father were screaming at each other, discussing the decision that her brother and mother had made.

"this is a disgrace to all the traditions!"

"a queen without a king should not reign!"

were things being yelled all over the table.

the queen slammed her fist on the table. "shut it!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. everyone turned quiet by an instant.

"this is my decision and this is how it will be done! i did not call all of you here to make my decision one of a fool. i simply asked for you to think of the right way to get this done" she explained to the men around the table, trying to sound calmly but clearly failing.

"she needs to get married, the people won't accept a queen without a husband" one brave man objected.

the queen was about to talk back when eunhye spoke up. "i think that's a wonderful idea!" she faked a sweet smile to both the man and her mother.

sungchan, who had been silent the whole meeting looked at her weirdly. eunhye gave him a reassuring look.

"honestly, why not make it a fun event for the people to enjoy" eunhye suggested. she received a few confused faces, not knowing what she was talking about.

"why not let three suitable men participate in a delicate yet fierce fight for my hand. however, since i do want to grow old happily, i'd like to choose those three men myself through a nice ball"

"a fight? with weapons?" one of the advisers asked her.

"no not literally with weapons, more a fight in a way of kind deeds and manners. a way of proving themselves they are worthy of being a husband and a ruler" eunhye explained to the man.

all the men looked at each other for a second before starting to cheer happily. "i think that's an amazing idea! you will be an amazing queen, i already know it" the head of the advisers cheered.

eunhye smiled proudly at her mother, who seemed to be doubting the idea, but she trusted her daughter and so agreed.

"let's feast!" the queen exclaimed raising her glass for a toast.


eunhye was waiting for her best friend to arrive at the garden she had been waiting. her mind was set on the earlier meeting. should she ask him if he wanted to be one of the participants. they had known each other all her life and would be more then happy to end up with her best friend.

"eunhye!" she heard a cheerful voice bring out. her eyes immediately jumped to the one person she had been waiting for.

"jaemin!" she happily jumped up and ran into his stretched out arms. he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around. "i missed you so much" she exclaimed with a pout.

"i've only been away from the castle for two weeks" he brought out with a chuckle. eunhye giggled as she looked up at him with sparkles in her eyes.

"i know but i have some amazing news to tell. sit down please" she told him as she sat down herself, patting the grass next to her.

jaemin did as he was told and took place next to her, admiring her beauty.

"so, i'm going to be the new successor for our kingdom" eunhye casually started as if it were nothing. "and i-"

"you're going to be the new queen?!" jaemin squealed in surprise. "i thought your brother was to be king"

eunhye waved him off. "yeah long story short, he didn't want to be king because his relationship was kind of dying because of it so he suggested i should be queen. mother agreed and here we are"

jaemin was about to say something when eunhye cut him to it. "but! there is something more important. the advisors of my father didn't want me to become queen without a husband, so i suggested that three men were to fight for my hand."

jaemin looked at her as if she was crazy. "so you're just going to marry some lucky guy who will fight for your hand? what if you end up not liking any of the contestants?" he asked his with a pout. "i want you to be happy"

"that's why i get to choose who will participate" eunhye told him proudly.

"you already have people in your mind you want to ask don't you?" jaemin knew eunhye completely. she would never make a plan without already having thought out every single detail.

"about that.." she started, softly biting her lip as she began to feel a little bit nervous. "would you maybe want to be one of the three contestants?"

jaemins eyes beamed with excitement as he heard those words. "ofcourse i would! a chance to be with you for the rest of my life is something i would never say no to" he happily exclaimed as he kissed the top of her head.

she smiled cutely at him, feeling all the nerves she felt seconds ago disappear.

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