**The Kingdom of Hollownest**

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You walked through the dark caverns, with a surprising boldness. You knew, you never had it in you.

No matter how much you imagine, going through fearsome quests boldly. You knew for a fact, that bravery doesn't come this instant. It doesn't work like that.

But you decided to let it go, for now. Who knows, This could only be temporary.

Before you knew it, you arrived in a new area. It was still dark, but less. The water below seemed to glow. It would've been beautiful, if it weren't for the garbage that covered it.

You trudge through the visible path, that was less covered in junk. You finally took the time to look at yourself. Your whole body was only void.. just like the darkness in that abyss. There was no sign of your gender, but you knew you were a (gender/sexuality). You found that it won't matter, because there's nothing to see.

You touched your head, but you didn't feel the flesh you were used to. It was soft, yet solid. You didn't have a nose, nor a mouth. And your eyes was replaced with two holes. An idea of your head being a skull, but skulls have a nose canal and teeth. But you get this idea, that your head was made of bones to be some kind of... Vessel for the void..

The bones you saw in the abyss were.. Failed creations.. If those were failed creations of yourself, that means... They're your siblings. You were created with them..

It was overwhelming, yes. But ever since you arrived into this new world, everything has been overwhelming.

You passed by some weird creatures. They were nothing like you, but you were nothing like them either. You wanted to ask them where you were, but yet again you still didn't make a sound. You tapped them, despite knowing you can't speak.

But they seem to know what you're gonna ask. "Gla gla.. You're not from here.. gla.. I can tell.. gla!.. Mother says.. Gla gla... RooOyaAlll WaterwAys!... Strangers.. Not safe.. Gla gla.. You need out!..gla.." They said with enthusiasm. You tilted you head in question, in why they're talking like that. You needed some effort to understand what they said, but you understood them.

Then, they started walking, gesturing you to follow. And you did, it's not like you know what to do. "Gla.. A bug... Sooo familiar! Gla! gla! Hallownest! A huge Kingdom! Gla gla.. It's big.. Everyone is familiar!.." You decided to ignore they're strange language, it's not like you're the one to talk... Literally, like.. You can't talk. "Flukemon like me.. Has no place to say... Gla gla.."

Welp.. They just told you what you wanna know... without even asking. Man, you wished someone would answer your question in your previous life without asking.

So, you're in a place called Hollownest. A bug Kingdom, in a bug world. Your in the part of Hollownest called Royal Waterways, probably a sewer made by the royalties. You're currently talking to a bug that is called flukemon, which probably has hundreds of siblings by the way he said mother. And it's probably common.. for bugs.

You ignored the 'familliar' part. You haven't seen what bugs look like, you can't say he's mistaken.

You finally arrived at the entrance to a new area, you need to go up the ladder. You could here raining from beyond, which filled you with joy. "New Place... City of Tears!.. gla gla.. Stranger.. don't get lost.. Danger.. dangerous.... gla gla..." And with that they walked away.

As soon as you went in the new area, a pleasurable feeling struck through you. A gentle music, accompanied by the endless gentle droplets of water. The view before you made you cry, if only you could. It was a dream come true, the peace you could only wish for.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A male voice stated. You looked up beside you from where you heard the sound, a bug who seems to have a big belly fat. Weird, you didn't see him come near. Yet, you didn't know how this world works, it's probably common. "I have passed through this enormous cavern many times, and it never fails to fascinate me." He seemed to be lost in thought as they stared at the city, bustling with bugs, but it was all tuned out by the rain.

You looked back to the scenery, and felt like you wanted to stay here forever. But you need to do something sooner or later, staying in an endless loop will cause you sanity. "Oh! Where are my manners." He said, making you look back at them. "I'm Quirrel." 'Quirrel? As in squirrel?' "I have a strange fascination towards certain places. And what's more beautiful place than a City of an endless rain accompanied by music." You couldn't agree more, as you gaze back to the city.

Time passed with you gazing at the City of Tears, with a guy/bug named Quirrel. It was time for you to move, before you get tired of the same view. You made sure to nod at Quirrel before leaving, knowing that you can't tell him of your departure.

You walked around City, while staying out of the rain of course. Went into random shops, listening to what they sell. You learnt that 'Geo' is the currency, you didn't know what it looks like, not to mention what it is. But gladly, some boastful greedy bug, decided to show off how much geo they have. How great help it was.

The place was historical, everything was old school. Their technology was charms, they have certain mechanism, but even those looked old school. It was so cool and strange, it felt like you were in a movie.

Speaking of movies, you took a mental note to remember about your human life. You got a feeling, that a long adventure awaits ahead of you. So you planned to write a journal of your human life. Being in this unfamiliar world, you knew you would forget. And you didn't want that happening..

You looked around more, until you arrived at the entrance of the Capital, which was guarded by Armored guards. Since you're from inside, you thought they wouldn't mind you leave. But before you could reach the gate, you flinched as two 'swords' ⚔ instantly blocked you. "Halt!" One of the guards exclaimed, it sounded male. You looked at the bug in question. "The bugs beyond this gate has been infected. Bugs of Hollownest are forbidden to leave the Capital, especially small ones with the likes of you." He explained, as if he were talking to a kid. Which you didn't mind.. yet.

You questioned about the infection, -which they didn't answer, because you can't say anything- and thought about it's existence and what it is. What does it do? You stared at the path outside the Capital.

Then you pointed at it, while looking at the guard. In your case, you looked like a kid demanding ice cream. You could see the guy sweating underneath the armor at your demand. But then he have an idea.

"Well.. if you'll get stronger, and learn how to wield a nail. Then, maybe we will let you through." He suggested nervously.

Which made the other guard react. "Are you crazy!? They're just a kid!" They whisper-yelled, which also sounded male.

"Well, do you have any other idea to stop them from wailing if they don't get what they want? You know how broods are!" He whisper-yelled back, that made him stop and think. Gee, they were talking as if you weren't in front of 'em. "And besides, by the time they learn to wield a weapon, the infection will be gone by then." He whispered enthusiastically. "The Pale King has already found a solution for the infection."

With their little argument, you could've sneaked pass. But you didn't really wanna know what they meant by infection.

"How about that, little bug?" He asked, as he looked back at you. Seeming to give a kid a deal, which is what he's doing.

You nodded obediently, not wanting to be reminded how pathetically weak you are. You could hear them sigh in relief behind you.

This world doesn't seem mean, so you can do anything you please. No school responsibilities. Learn how to wield a nail while you're at it.. is that what they call a sword?.... Cool.

To be Continued...


Feeling adventurous yet?

Bug Story,

Once upon a time, a beetle mimic appeared graping upon my curtains, like his life depended on it. Which is the case, because when it fell. It landed on the plain ground on it's shell, unable to stand.. You can take a peek of how lazy I am, because I never bothered to help it up, nor observed it... Until it died..... My utmost apathetic condolence. 😞


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