Chapter Two

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Myrtle gave her a thoughtful look. "If you've written domestic noir, I'll be checking out your book immediately after lunch."

Miles said in a hesitant voice, "Pearl, I'm just curious. What made you write a memoir? Just that you'd been reading them and decided to try your hand at them? Or was it something else?"

A cloud passed over Pearl's face. She said, "A very good question. The answer is that secrets are totally destroying our family. Especially my relationship with my sister. I don't feel as if I can even look her in the eye anymore, and she has no idea. You know what a virtuous woman Nell is. I want to clear the air and prevent any more damage. I felt like a book would be the best way of exposing the secrets because I could include details and explanations. Maybe, in a way, excuses. I've titled the book Secrets. I'm ready to put it all out there and let the chips fall where they may."

Miles cleared his throat. "And your family? What do they think of your doing that?" He had an uneasy look on his face as if he knew what he would think about that, if something like that happened in his family.

Pearl pressed her lips together and then said, "They aren't real excited over it. But they haven't thought it through like me. If they had, they'd know that this is the only way for our family to move forward and heal. For justice, in a way. The family had no idea that I was even finished with it."

"They haven't kept up with your progress?" asked Myrtle.

Pearl chuckled, but it wasn't really a happy sound. "Not at all. They just thought that I was planning on writing a book, but that it would never really happen. Or that I'd start out and maybe get a couple of chapters in and then I'd give up on it or get busy or something. No, they were very surprised. I'm not sure what they thought I was doing on my laptop, but they obviously didn't think I was working on a book. Maybe they thought my clunky dinosaur of a laptop didn't even have the memory for a book. They have considered the thing as just a paperweight ever since I covered the outside with stickers. You know how much I like decorating things."

Miles said, "What happened when you told them you were finished?"

"I had the whole family over for supper last night and announced that the book was done and that I was moving on to the next step today—which was having you edit it." She blushed a little. "At least, I hoped to convince you."

Myrtle gave her a wry look. "You were apparently pretty confident that you could."

Pearl watched as Myrtle sifted through the papers some more. She looked uncomfortable. "Maybe you could take a look at it after I'm gone. It makes me feel anxious having an editor read it while I'm right here."

"I don't even have my red pen in hand," said Myrtle, raising her eyebrows. Then she frowned. "Now Pearl, are you going to be really sensitive when I make suggestions and things? Should I be careful with what I tell you?"

"Oh no! No, I want the truth and I want the thing corrected." She hesitated. "I know I printed it out so it would be easier for you to edit, but is it easier that way? Or should I have just emailed you a copy of it or something?"

"No, this is fine. I was just telling Miles that I edit better on paper," said Myrtle. "All right. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to do it, but I should get an idea twenty or thirty pages into it."

"That's perfect. I feel so much better now that it's in your hands. And I'll leave you both to your lunch," said Pearl, standing up.

Myrtle said, "What you've brought me is worthy of supper. Miles and I are going out to grab lunch and then tonight I won't have to cook because of the lovely casserole you brought. It's the perfect day."

Edit to Death :  Myrtle Clover #14Where stories live. Discover now