I'm The Doctor's Paradox

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I landed outside my door. The wings faded away. I smiled, paradox I'm the paradox. The Doctor's paradox! I walked inside and sat on the couch.

I heard glass brake. I looked up to see Amy had broke my cristal fragment glass and the Doctor behind her about to drink tea. Rory came in and looked wide eyed at me.

Amy came running up to hug me. I smiled I had saved her life and she haden't known. I ran to Rory and hugged him. I twirled around to the Doctor and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I noticed River isn't here.

"You scared the crap out of me!" The Doctor said.

"I tought you died." Rory said

"Amy, I tough your soul left you!" Amy said.

"And yet I saved...." I drifted off.

"Saved.....What?" The Doctor said.

"Never mind, you'll find out."

I ran to my room and started seaching for it. Then I found it the necklace that could hold the time vortex. I ran downstairs. "Doctor dear, my I uses the tardis?" I asked.

"Sure, why?"

"My mission isn't complete."


I ran in and down under the glass floor. I placed the necklace on the glass. "Can you help I need to enter the time vortex!" I called.

"No problem!" I watched as he pulled leavers and pushed buttons. He looked down and smiled.

The necklace sucked in some time vortex making it look like the thing when I was little. When we had to look into the time vortex.

I put the necklace around my neck. I walked upstairs. "How's it look?" I asked.

"Wow, it's beatiful! What is it." Amy asked.

"Time vortex," I looked to the Doctor "The wearable kind."

He smiled and landed the tardis.

"Look, it has little wings!" Amy said.

"Yes, the wings I wore for when ever I need them." I said.

I walked out. Then turned to the three. "Care to stay the night?"

Their face lit up and Amy and Rory turned to the Doctor.

"Yes, fine ok!" He said.

"Follow me I have a room for you two!" I said to Amy and Rory.

The Doctor's ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now