Chapter 1: Waking Up

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(Y/N)'s POV

I remember waking up and feeling really cold and I saw that I was in a pod of some sort. I was trying really hard to remember what happened when the pod opened up and I fell to the ground because it was really hard for me to use my legs. while I was on the ground I started to remember what happened...

I looked at the pod that was opposite of mine and started to get up out of the fear of what I remembered actually happening and sadly it was true. In the pod were the bodies of my dead parents. I started to cry but then I saw that Shaun wasn't with them and then I remembered somebody took him and that person also killed my parents. I stopped crying realizing that somebody had Shaun and could be doing gods knows what with him. I took both of my parent's wedding rings to remember them by and told them:

(Y/N): "I promise to get Shaun back no matter the cost"

After shutting the pod with my parent's bodies I started to look for an exit and saw it, I exited the room with all the other pods of which everyone else was dead. I went to the door I remember we went through to get to the pods but it would not open no matter how much I tried to open it so I decided to go to the right of the door which I saw was open but it was an entrance going deeper into the vault but I had no other way to go so I went deeper into the vault. I was walking down a hallway when all of sudden I saw something 10 feet away from me. I looked at it and realized what I was looking at...

(Y/N): "Is that a giant Cockroach?!"

I was so stunned at what I was seeing when all of a sudden it turned around to face me. It was staring at me for a second when it all of a sudden rushed me! I was honestly so scared I mean who wouldn't be scared of a giant fucking Cockroach charging them! I looked to my left and saw a security baton on a table, so I took that baton and before the roach could get to me I smashed the baton down on the roach killing it instantly

(Y/N): "What the fuck was that!? I have never seen a Cockroach that big!"

I was thinking about it when I realized I need to start moving if I want to get out of this vault so I started to go further into the vault and then I saw an office-like room ahead but before I could get closer to the room 2 more of those big roaches came charging at me! I killed them with ease and disgust because I absolutely hate bugs! I then went into the office when I saw a 10mm Pistol with some ammo on the desk. I took the pistol and loaded it up, I know how to shoot pretty darn well considering my dad taught me how to because he was in the military and I can't lie I love shooting guns. I looked around the office for more supplies because I had no idea what could happen when I go back to the surface, I definitely know it wasn't going to be like what I remember it would be. 

After looking around the office all I could find was more ammo for my pistol which I definitely wasn't complaining about, you can never have too much ammo and some stimpacks which I knew when you injected them into yourself they instantly start to heal you and can even heal your broken bones! I had to use a computer to open the door to exit the office but when the door opened and I exited the office I was in a hallway with probably 10 more of the big ass roaches. I admittedly kinda yelped seeing all of those big bugs, my god I fucking hate bugs! I didn't hesitate to start shooting the roaches while they didn't hesitate to charge me but luckily I shot them all before they could get to me. I was almost having a panic attack because those bugs almost got to me. but I soon composed myself and started to walk to the end of the hallway where the door was. I opened the door and saw the platform where I came from when entering the vault with my family. The problem was the bridge to get to the platform wasn't there anymore and I realized that it was pulled back by a machine so I went to the machine controls I then noticed a skeleton in a vault suit was at the controls!

(Y/N): "Holy shit how long must this body have been here to become a skeleton!?"

But I didn't have time to wonder I needed to get to the surface immediately so I stepped over the skeleton when I realized it had something on its wrists.

(Y/N): "Is that a Pip-Boy?"

I always wanted one because they were so cool especially because it could show how damaged your limbs are and your general health plus a couple more cool things! It could honestly be so much useful to use on the surface if everything else on the surface is attacking me like everything alive in this vault. So I slowly took the Pip-Boy off the skeleton's wrist to make sure I didn't break the bones of the skeleton, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. I successfully took the Pip-Boy off the skeleton and put it on myself, I turned it on and it started to boot up when it was fully turned on I saw the signature Vault Tech guy in a pose with arrows pointing at his limbs with bars of health at the limbs.

(Y/N): "Glad that I have fulls bar on all my limbs that means I'm good to go"

I went to the controls and noticed it needed a Pip-Boy to get the bridge to get into position so I took the plug from my Pip-Boy and plugged it into the controls and when I saw a button light up I pressed the button and saw the bridge start to get into position. When I saw the bridge was in position I walked across it to get to the platform that would take me to the surface. I pressed a button on the platform for it to start going up. It started to ascend, I closed my eyes and said:

(Y/N): "Don't worry Shaun, I'm coming to get you"

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