Video game | Hyunsuk

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Video Game | Hyunsuk + Y/n and Choi Hyunsuk meet each other when they were lining up for the limited edition video game. Sadly, only one video game was left but there's a twist at the end!

Once I stepped out from my house, the blazing hot sun hit my head, it was scorching hot. I had no other choice but to head out today because I wanted to get the limited edition video game for my brother, he's birthday was coming soon and I had nothing to give to him.

On my way to the video game store, I scrolled through my social media and it looks like there were many people already lined up outside the store. I sighed, hoping I had a chance to get my hands on it.

Once I arrived the store, the line was still as long as I expected. This was going to take a few minutes or so, even if I have to fight for the video game I would still do it.

"WHY IS IT SO LONG." The person behind me sighed as he just arrived.

Of course the line is long look at what time it is now, did he expect the line to be short? It's a limited item duhhhh.

"How long have you been waiting here?" He tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to face him and he was all covered in sweat, I guess he came here on foot.

"Ummm, I just arrived but it looks like it's going to take another 30 minutes or so?" I sighed and checked my phone.

"30 MINUTES?" He whined and I faced forward to see if the line was moving or not.

I faced back to him and gave him a tissue to wipe his sweat that was dripping from his face. What a poor thing, I said to myself looking at him.

"Thank you." He said as he took the tissue.

"By the way my name is Choi Hyunsuk." He held his hand out for a handshake.

I smiled and shook his hand.

"Mine is y/n"

"So are you here to get the limited edition video game too?" He asked.

Why is he even starting a conversation, this is awkward.

"ummm yea?" I answered and tried to face forward but he kept on asking questions.

"Do you think there would be enough for us?" He sighed as he kept looking at the amount of people in front of us.

"I think so?"

"wait so what other video games do you play?"

That was a sudden question. I wasn't really in the mood to answer since it's scorching hot and the line is long but since I had nothing else to fill up the time, I just chit-chatted with him.

"umm I don't play usually play video games, it's for my brother's birthday gift." I smiled.

"I see." And when I thought he would stop talking, the conversation continued till we reached the entrance of the video game store.

"These are the 2 last customers to get the limited edition video game!" The store manager shouted and waved goodbye to the customers who didn't get to purchase the limited edition video game.

"WE'RE SUPER LUCKY." Hyunsuk cheered as he held onto the video game.

"Yea we are." I tried to smile while starring at the price, it was really pricey. My bank account is going to say bye bye for now.

"Please head to the counter to try out the quality of the video game." The worker pointed to the counter.

I handed the video game to the person at the counter and he tried it out. I waited for a while as I starred at screen, the screen was black, nothing came out when he inserted the CD. I started to feel anxious, is the CD not working? Is it broken?

"Hold on for a while, while I try the next customer's CD." The worker took the CD from Hyunsuk and inserted it, the screen lighted up immediately.

"Please proceed to the next counter sir." The worker directed Hyunsuk and he went to pay for the video game.

"I'm very sorry but there seems to be a problem with the CD you received. We cannot sell this to you because of the defect."

My heart sank not knowing what to do but just leave the store quietly. I walked out and stood there for a while, my heart shattered. A perfect birthday gift, is not perfect anymore. What should I give to him? Just as I wanted to walk back to the bus stop someone called out my name.


I turned to the shout and Hyunsuk smiled.

"Here, you can take this and give it to your brother." He handed the video game to me.

"seriously? but I thought you said this was your source of happiness and you really wanted it?" My jaw dropped.

"It's okay, I have like more than thousands of other limited video games at home, if I don't have one doesn't mean the world is going to end." Hyunsuk held my hand and put the video game into my hands.

"Meeting someone like you already makes me as happy as getting a limited edition video game." Hyunsuk said as he ran off.

"THANK YOU!" I shouted and waved good bye to him as his figure started to disappear from my sight.

I starred at the video game in my hand and I couldn't stop thinking what he said just now. It makes my day and I even got the gift I wanted for my brother.

When I reached home, I immediately went to my brother and slapped him on the shoulder because I was excited.

"Someone said meeting me makes him happy." I squealed.

"Are you sure? Who is it?" My brother said sarcastically while he was on his phone.

"Some guy at the video- Nevermind." I closed my mouth and ran out of his room.

"the what?" My brother said and just continued using his phone.


Y/n's brother : what? you met a girl at the video game store?

Hyunsuk : yea she was nice.

Y/n's brother : bruh who cares, the important thing is did you get the video game or not?

Hyunsuk : I gave it to her

Y/n's brother : BRUH WHAT- YOUR MONEY-

Hyunsuk : it's fine by the way she said it was for her brother's birthday. Isn't yours coming soon?

Y/n's brother : yea it is but I got mine already

Author's note :

Little did they know they were connected in someway....... hah. Sad news for Y/n because her brother already has the video game lmao.

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