Chapter 9 - The Reveal

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I pricked some penne on the tip of my fork and raised it to my lips, trying desperately to pretend that I wasn't utterly aware of everyone staring at me. Their bated breaths certainly didn't help matters. 

"You all don't have to, um, watch me eat, you know? This is probably super gross to you so, like, feel free to bail or whatever."

"Just take a bite, Bella," Alice encouraged, "Esme has been waiting to ply her cooking skills on a real-life human for a while now. There is only so many muffins you can force upon unsuspecting nurses, right, Mother?"

Esme wrinkled her nose with feigned annoyance, her doting glances betraying her.

"Yes, Carlisle's colleagues have contemplated banning me from the hospital, but that is irrelevant, Alice. Bella, do not let us pressure you. We will all leave and give you some space."

"No!" I objected quickly, "It's fine. It would just feel a little more comfortable if everyone sat down at the table, that's all. I feel like a monkey in a zoo."

With a flurry of blurred forms and skidding chairs, the whole family darted into seats.

It wasn't a drastic change. Instead of staring at me from afar, they now stared from a much closer vantage. At least it was something.

I gazed around the room, fork still hovering in mid-air, and tried not to feel so small whilst surrounded by leering vampires. The plush high-backed dining chairs, large glass-topped dinner table, and expensive-looking paintings gilding the walls, made this is a very difficult task.

I took a bite, chewing thoughtfully.

Cream, garlic, herbs, pesto.

Not bad.

"It's delicious!" I grinned, more overjoyed by the evaporating tension than the meal itself.

Esme's face lit up with undeniable pleasure. Without warning, Alice's siblings wordlessly filed out of the dining room. 

Now the ominous staring made a lot more sense - they'd only hung around to make sure I was appropriately appreciative of their Mother's handiwork.

I wondered what would have happened if I'd failed the test?

Esme was the only one to dawdle, confirming I had everything I needed before rushing back into the kitchen. 

Alice remained by my side - her cold hand brushing over my shoulders. I could hear the blaring soundtrack of a video game vibrating through the walls, and I smiled to myself.

It took me a while to realize that Esme hadn't been the last to leave, after all. 

Rosalie skulked across the room, her hand lingering on the doorframe as she paused to glower at us.

Her piercing eyes zeroed in on me and opened her mouth to speak.

"Not now, Rosalie. Please."

I gnawed on my lower lip as I watched the two stare each other down.

I lowered my head and pretended Esme's pasta was the most fascinating thing in the whole world.

As I spun some penne around and around with the tip of my fork, Rosalie abruptly turned and left.

"So," I broached after an awkward beat or two, "Are you going to tell me what that was about?"

"No," Alice replied bluntly.

"Why not?"

"Because it is not for me to say. But, rest assured, she will get her chance to speak," Alice ground her teeth before averting her eyes.

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