Chapter 2 - It's Just Biology

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"What was THAT about?" Jessica exclaimed to the rest of the table.

Edward had tugged Alice out the doors just a few seconds after her tray tumbled to the ground.

I'd watched through the windows as he led her out towards the forest behind the school; The rest of the Cullens wordlessly made quick work of the mess that Alice had left behind. It was unsettling how they, without audible delegation, acted in unison so quickly and thoughtlessly.

It was like they all shared some sort of unspoken secret. One that provoked automaton-like precision.

"I don't know," I mumbled softly, feeling like I was somehow at fault for the incident. I itched to follow after the two. Partially to find her so I could check if she was okay, but also so I could be ensnared all over again in dazzling topaz.

I knew better, though.

I shook my head, trying to free my mind of the thoughts that both terrified me yet demanded meticulous obsession.

Amongst the cacophony of feelings and thoughts, a sense of foreboding ebbed right at the edge of my consciousness. Something about the Cullen's was far too strange.

Too unnatural.

"Actually guys, now thinking about it, sometimes Alice seems sort of... spacey, don't you think? Like, in my history class the other day she completely zoned out even though Mr. Thumwicke was calling on her. Some stupid pop quiz or whatever. Maybe she's ill or... I dunno', into hard drugs?" Mike pursed his lips briefly before a grin revealed glinting teeth, "If it's the latter, someone seriously needs to hit her up because you can't find shit in this town."

Ugh. Loser.

"Nah man, unlikely," Ben piped up from over his book, "I heard she just has ADHD."

"Hmm, maybe. But, Ben, c'mon. Think about it. People with ADHD usually don't turn into full-on zombies in the middle of a school cafeteria," Jessica interjected, looking back over her shoulder, "Whatever it is, I just hope she's okay."

It amazed me that no one, not even Jessica, noticed my contribution to the spectacle. If that's what you could even call it. I was certain Alice had looked directly at me when she'd dropped her tray! Maybe I was just overthinking it?

Hapless teen gawks, and a goddess sneers and... no one cares.

The topic of prom resurfaced, and if I was irritated before I was even more irritated now. I mean, it was ages away! Are small towns really this... small?

I pinched my forearm under the table, mentally scolding myself. I don't have the right to look down on everybody else just because I don't like to dance and scream over the din of music until my voice hurts. I'm just mad about the cafeteria incident. Mad that I only have lackluster answers. Mad that the girl who stole my breath away - practically ripped it from my lungs - is off gallivanting somewhere with her strange brother while I'm stuck here moping.

She could be sick, or hurt, or disoriented. Anything could have made her drop her tray and-... God, why do I even care?

I sighed quietly to myself, bouncing my knees under the table as I scanned the forest outside. 

I supposed, despite feeling like I was going to implode, I would just have to endure the rest of lunch and make sure to nod and smile - maintain a calm façade and feign an interest that I didn't really feel. Hide the anxiety. Hide the racing thoughts.

No one would understand.

"Hey, Bella! So, what do you have now?" Mike appeared at my side as I emptied the remnants of my limp salad into the garbage can. The bell rang, and students swarmed out of the cafeteria.

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