Nanabaka corpse bride au

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Being in jail is hell, but being put in a jail where prisoners have Been known to disappear at the drop of a hat is scarier. Yet, Uno has never been afraid of a challenge. Neither are his friends Rock and Nico.

Together they take up a while well known for a number of prisoners disappearing from. Every day they try to escape having the times of their lives as they do...that is until they find a room not even Hanji, their warden knew about.

They had been running from him when Nico leaned against a wall some how falling into it just as Rock was tackled. Slowly the group creeps closer to it inch by inch until Nico is heard screaming. Without a second thought they all rush in to see what Nico is freaking out about.

Well turns out it's dead bodies.

The room is full of dead bodies of ex preosoners in various stages of decay. However the most intact one is one Hanji realizes who he is within seconds.

It's jyugo..the last resident of the cell out heroes are staying in.

Jyugo has been dating another prisoner in there when an escape happened. During the mess security cameras caught the two running around and even seeming to have a mock wedding together. Yet, then suddenly in recordings from that day Jyugo has disappeared and when his boyfriend was on the security tapes he was distraught. He had been in arrested but had never spoken a word since Jyugo left...that is until a knifing that took his life..during which Hanji could still remember how he called out Juugo's name when he died.

So the assumption was he had died yet no one knew how..that is until now. He clearly had been stabbed seeing as a knife was in him, but why was his body here 2 years later less decayed then the others?

Slowly instead of being lead out of the room the prisoners just walk back along with the guards to scared to question what they saw..except Hanji and Uno. Hanji just stares at the corpse that was the only prisoner he ever cared for-one that was like a son of him to sorts laying deader than a door nail on a table. Meanwhile Uno is there to comfort the only officer he could ever stand.

As he stands there patting the warden on his back he could have sworn he saw something...which he realizes is a ring. A ring has dropped by the dead body and slowly Uno picks said ring up before putting two and two together. He realizes who is belongs to and slowly slides the ring onto him whispering something about bringing him peace before Hanji and him go to leave the room...

That is until Jyugo asks where they are going.

They both whip around and see that somehow the ring has brought the dead prisoner back to life.
Do they know how? No.
Are they being forced to deal with a dead prisoner being revived in a jail? Yes.
Is Uno gonna dress him up and pretend he's a whole different person And try to make his second time around the bet he can? Yes.
Does Jyugo kinda find the blond who revived kinda cute? Yes.
Does anyone know what's gonna happen next? No. All they know is that there is one more prisoner in cell 13. One a bit more ghastly than the others.

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