Oran high school host club-Coprse bride au part 1

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---------So before we begin, Haruhi in this story is going to be going by they/them pronouns-------

    We begin when the host club decides to have an occult day. After all nothing goes wrong when it comes for rich girls and their obsession with the occult. Maybe that will get them more business in the club!
     Yeah no. Turns out girls aren't into the occult that much.
  Like no one shows up but the boys just enjoy a spooky filled day. You know excepts for Tamaki since he finds this whole thing just terrifying since they're all alone in the woods at night with only candle light trying to scare each other. 

  Now he goes and is terrified whining that everything is so dark and creepy, but like everyone finds it so creepy there to be honest. Like for some reason it feels like someone is watching them. It even freaks Kyoya out a tiny bit, not like he will ever admit it. However, the twins use this as the perfect opportunity to mess with their boss.

   They trick Tamaki into the forest near the creepiest Tree, telling him about a game they made up. One involving putting random items on a stick until it breaks. To be honest a normal person could tell this isn't a game, but this is Tamaki we are talking about here. He's kind of too sheltered at this point. So despite his better judgement he joins in.

 The three start putting all they can on branches until they break until the twins push him to play with a really creepy looking one. They dare him to put a ring they stole from a certain occult classmate that week on the branch. When Tamaki refuses he just gets teased heavily nonstop until he finally cracks under pressure so to say, and agrees to do it. He actually gets the ring half way there when Kyoya comes from around the corner asking what the hell he is doing. Then when Tamaki explains it evolves into an argument.

 Mainly it is Kyoya yelling wondering how his friend could be stupid enough to just do whatever he is told blindly. Why does he need other people to like him so much? Why does he need others so bad that he makes himself suffer? It's brutal to listen to, and by the time he is done the twins feel bad for ever forcing Tamaki into this prank. After all without it the blond would not be in this situation right now.

 They apologize going to walk off with Kyoya, when they hear a noise. They turn to see it the second it happens.

 You see the noise was the Branch cracking Tamaki put the ring on...except it wasn't cracking as in breaking. No it was cracking as in moving breaking vines off of it showing it was an old hand. One that's just Bones and is somehow moving. Everyone is shocked as the arm reaches up grabbing Tamaki, yanking him down, which is what finally allows him to scream his head off. That is when his other club members yank him up bringing the arm with him.

When they land on their backs slowly calming down Honey comes over having heard the screams, and panics too see a skeleton hand gripping onto his friend. He hides behind his cousin who just asks what is happening. As Karou tries to explain, he notices Mori and Honey growing pale.

 He does not get why until he sees a shadow and spins around to see the corpse standing there. The one standing there with a veil over their face, missing one arm, then slowly with their remaining hand unveils their face showing a boney face with great big brown eyes. The club stands there as the corpse looks at them wondering if perhaps this is all a dream...it must be. How else could a corpse standing in front of them.

".......Can I have my arm back please?" Haruhi asks, unfazed. After all by this point They have been dead for like 200 years and has been in a underworld where basically anything anyone can imagine happens. So being revived isn't something that fazes them much. The boys that revived them however are not calm. They scream rushing off, taking their arm with the whole group as they rush off.

With a sigh Haruhi walks slowly after them. After all they just want their arm back. Then afterwards for all they care these boys could just send them back to the grave. As for the club, they care. They care a lot. After all in their eyes a corpse just chased them through a woods after trying to drag their friend to the grave.

 After they stop to catch their breath..Haurhi catches up to them, making everyone freak out. Yet, Tamki freaks out the much since he is the one grabbed onto by the corpse and faints the second he is touched. 

 Then when he awakes he feels his head is on a lap, which he just assumes is Kyoya's. He grumbles something to him and hears a different voice instead say, "You know all I wanted was my arm back and to know why you woke me up. There was no need for you the faint.."

Yeah, that freaks him out.

He jumps up seeing the corpse had been looking after him while Kyoya is on the phone with someone in the distance doing something. As Tamki looks at the corpse infront of him, they introduces themselves and then ask Tamaki his name...who just freaks out a bit again.

 Yeah, this is gonna be a long revival for Haruhi..

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