CH10: To the roof top.

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(Midoriya pov)

Aizawa: Now some one explain to me whats going on!

I power up my quirk.


Luckily my threat worked and no one says a thing.

Aizawa: look kid as far as I'm concerned it sounds like your in a toxic relationship so you better explain now!

I nod my head.

Izuku: my soulmates my old bully and now kirishima has a problem because I like him!

Kirishima turns his head away and rolls his eyes.

Kirishima: he told you to kill yourself!

Izuku: SO WHAT!

Aizawa sighs.

Aizawa: kirishima it's not your place to tell midoriya who he can date...

Aizawa loosens his scarf again, letting me go.

Aizawa: midoriya, can you deal with this differently next time okay?

I sigh and nod my head.


(Bakugo pov)

I walked up to Icy-Hot's dorm after school and knocked on his door.

Half'n'Half opens the door and let's me in.

Todoroki: okay, let's get started!

Icy-Hot writes step 1 on a foldaway white board, he probably bought it for his conspiracies

Todoroki: step 1 is simple, trust.

I stare at him as he writes down everything he says.

Todoroki: you and deku already trust each other, so you just have to strengthen that trust.

Todoroki gets his ruler from his table and points at 10cm.

Todoroki: your at 10 on this but look there's another 22 for you to get.

Bakugo: what does that have to do with deku?

Icy-Hot sighs.

Todoroki: in order for deku to trust you, you must open up to him or tell him a secret or two.

I nod my head and try to think of what I could say to deku.

But Icy-hot interrupted my train of thoughts.

Todoroki: It doesn't have to be a big secret, it can be as simple as writing poetry or something like that.

How does he know I write poetry!? I thought to myself.

Bakugo: Who said I write poems!?

Half'n'Half sighed and looked at me.

Todoroki: nobody, it was an example...

I think at that moment Icy-Hot realised how hard it would truly be to work with me.

(Midoriya pov)

After class I looked for kachan but I was unsuccessful.

After this mornings events, I thought I should check up on him but I couldn't find him anywhere and gave up after an hour.

So I decided to sit on my bed and scroll through tik tok.

By 11.30pm he still wasn't back and I started to get worried.

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