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{Bakugo pov}

Izuku: I forgave you ages ago...

I stared at deku as he gives his caring stupid loveable smile...

And then it hit me like a brick...

The reason I'd push him away for so long...

Was because I was scared to get hurt...

All the awful things I said and did to him...

All because I was scared of letting anyone close...

And now still after all that!

He smiles and tells me he forgives me!?

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I snap out of my mind...

I see deku standing there, in front of me.

Izuku: kachan...?

Deku looks up at me worriedly...

He looks so cute dammi- wait no deku is many things but cute isn't one of them! I thought stupidly.

Bakugo: sorry, I just... zoned out

Izuku: It's okay

Deku is so close... why do I feel so weird and fuzzy!? I thought my heart racing quickly.

I started to blush and Iida stops glaring at me and leaves.

Izuku: K-kachan your face is a bit red...

Bakugo: o-oh, I'm fine!

Izuku: o-okay...

Deku looked tired so I told him to lie down on the bed...

He looked a bit reluctant at first but did it anyway.

When he got into bed I sat at the end of the bed.

Bakugo: Rest, you need it...

Izuku: I can't...

I look at him and for once I react calmly...

Bakugo: why not...?

Izuku: I-I'm cold...

I look at him and sighed...

He had his covers and 4 almight blankets but he was still cold?

Bakugo: umm... Well, you don't have any blankets left...

Deku pouted and made a small chuckle...

Izuku: hmm... I guess you'll just have to do then...

He pulled me into his bed and cuddled me...

Is he delirious or something...? I asked myself kinda like I expected an answer.

Izuku: kachan~

Bakugo: y-yeah...

Izuku: You're so warm...

He's definitely delirious! I told myself.

Izuku: kachan...

Deku looked into my eyes and I stared back into his emerald eyes...

He cuddled in closer, our faces nearly touching...

Izuku: I-I love you

Without giving me a chance to react he starts kissing me.

He then started leaving small hickeys on my neck.

I push him away, I wanted him to continue but it wasn't right... he was sick.

I still had no clue what I was feeling...

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