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".....Nene-chan, are you listening?"

The sudden mention of her name brings her back to reality.

"Oh! Sorry, Aoi. I spaced out for a bit. What were you saying?" Nene apologizes to her violet-haired friend, smiling reassuringly but Aoi only seemed more worried.

"You've always been a daydreamer, Nene-chan." She starts with a sigh.

......Was that a compliment?

"Oh, not that it's bad really, it's actually cute. But lately, you always seem so restless. Is something wrong? You can always tell me about it."

Nene briefly wonders if she should tell her, yes, Aoi shares her love of anything occult but she's not sure if her friend would believe her escapades with a toilet ghost.

Two toilet ghosts to be exact.

Nene sighs, "It's nothing, really. I just slept late last night. So I'm really sleepy." It was a lie of course, after everything that happened yesterday, the moment she got home she immediately dropped on her bed and slept like a baby.

Huh, she wonders what happened to Minamoto-kun, did he ever get home safe? But Amane-kun did say that he'll be fine...

Anyway, Aoi seemed to believe her as she went back to telling her about Akane-kun's various attempts to win the violet-haired girl's heart (and miserably failing) this morning. But was cut off by their teacher entering the classroom.

Aoi goes back to her seat with a quick goodbye and Nene nods, flashing her a a smile as she opens her bag to get her textbook and places it on her desk.

As their teacher started the lesson, Nene finds herself unable to focus. Her mind drifting to the events that occurred yesterday.

Specifically, the look on Amane-kun's face when she told him she was worried about him.

It was really strange of him, he looked as if he was close to crying. She didn't understand why though. Amane-kun was always smiling at her, teasing and cheerful as the sun. So seeing him crying didn't sit well with her at all.

Maybe he-

"Yashiro-san! Are you listening?"

The sudden mention of her name brings her back to reality.

Huh. Feels familiar.

"Oh, uh, yes?"

She stands up quickly, internally panicking. How can she forget that she was still in class?

"I said, could you kindly open page 22 and read the passage from where we left off yesterday?"

Ah, crap. Where did they left off yesterday again? Nene looks down on her desk to open her textbook, but to her surprise, it wasn't there anymore.

"Eh?" She blurts out unconsciously, brows knitting. Maybe it fell? She checks under the desk, it wasn't there. How strange. She was sure she brought it, she can even remember putting it on her desk. So why wasn't it there?

"Yashiro-san? Where's your textbook?"

Her teacher asks, strict eyes scanning her desk, lips twisting into a frown. "You may sit down. Remember to bring your book along next time." She says to Nene strictly, walking along as she calls for another student. Nene catches Aoi's gaze as she slowly sits down in confusion.

And from the looks of it, her best friend seems confused as well.


"I swear, it was right there! I put it on the desk!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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