Chapter One-Abrohet Lake-2015

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Picture of the famous Abrohet Lake Marina; and UK band The Cult's hit song 'The War (The Process', 2001), live, right in the media section, that's the 1st song from the 'Murky Depths of Terror Part 2' soundtrack.

Warning: It is rated Mature for science fiction violence, adult themes.

You must be 15 years and over to see and hear it.

Author's note: Chapter One of 'Murky Depths of Terror Part 2' is dedicated to the heroic US Astronauts of the Challenger space disaster in 1986...

...Outer Space exploration continues in 2015...And the memories of those who died live on to this day.

Space is the last frontier to go to the Moon...and other planets in our Solar System. Just like deep sea exploring under the trenches, caves, and other places under water...

...Where the creatures of the deep, dwell.



Kurt yelled at Ali.


And they fled, as the Amblyrhynchus cristatus creatures fed on their human prey.


Captain Jim Harvey aimed the harpoon at the beasts.


But it was too late, most of the dead people were taken by the iguanas. The teenage couple had had jumped to the aft side of the ship; Captain Harvey and several crewmen rescued them just in time. Because, in the end, the murky depths of terror had had stained the sea in blood.


Olsen Sker Makeher stared at the water.

"The beasts are very dangerous. In Norway, we hunt sea lions. Their blubber feeds my wife and seven children".

"Is it rare that those marine iguanas develop into a raging terror?", Greg Ophger, the Senior Abrohet Science Officer, asked.

"Mutant animals are science fiction, Greg. They're not dangerous per se; they're dangerous only if we invade their domain".

"But they're cold blooded land animals...".

"No, they're in the water because they survive in both places. But the iguana can go up to 100 meters; Carcharodon carcharias can go down to 500 meters or more. The Muraenidae, or, in layman's terms, a Moray eel, can go live in their own domain as well. They can bite a Great White Shark to death; they can savage their flesh with their teeth that're so sharp, it's worse than a Vampires".

"So, there's no super...".

"No! Forget the supernatural elements. There's a range of creatures who live under the sea who won't kill you...The old days of creatures affected by radioactive poisoning in the 1940's, 1950's, and through the 1960's...and 1970's...did make things worse. It was the labs that spread the radiation into the atmosphere, thus leading to nuclear accidents that caused everyone to die. The European and US media have had a, how do you say, field day with preventing deaths. And the war against Mother Nature, like tornadoes, earthquakes, snow storms, avalanches, and so on...including tsunamis in the Asia/Pacific horrible...

..."There's the Tsunami Early Warning Tower Board, (TEWB), that's based at Hikkaduwa. The Sri Lankan Government under Prime Minister Juseep Advakaoe, is strong. He has made the correct choices to make his Island safe; the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC), in Australia, predicts when tsunamis stuck like they did in Indonesia in 2004. We can use the  Regional Tsunami Early Warning System, (RTEWS); and the International Tsunami Information Center, (ITIC), that covers Chile, Hawaii, and Japan...

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