Chapter 1

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Richard sighed as one of the latest and most recent transport hovercraft , the SmoothFlight 3, flew above his head, gazing at the ship’s beauty, and yet knowing that he would most likely never be able to get on one. Mostly only famous, rich, or business owners could afford a hovercraft, let alone the 3rd kind.

Richard was in the city near to the capital city, Wellford, basically trying to steal food any money. He thought that people near the capital would be wealthier and more unsuspecting. However, he found out that most of the really rich people had many guards.

The city was not as decorated as the capital, but due to it’s closeness it had the latest technology, with nothing that was old.The homes were new and weren’t shabby like Richard’s birth city, Venard. The streets were paved and there were colors everywhere. In general, it was a nice and happy atmosphere.

As Richard loitered on the main street, he spotted an old lady with her purse just hanging down by her side. Though he was 13, he still looked young enough to avoid most suspicion. Casually walking forward, he reached the old lady without any detection. Born with naturally quick fingers, he successfully took the purse in no time. Opening it up, he smiled, knowing that he wouldn’t have to worry about money for the next few days.

Inside was a thick wad of 50 dollar bills. By the side were some loose twenties and fives. He took everything, feeling happy. But as he started to walk away, he felt some guilt, and returned half of the money to the lady’s purse. Feeling bad about taking her money, he wondered if she could support herself without the it.

Though he knew it was the right thing to do, Richard couldn’t help but wonder if it was the smartest. But he had already returned the purse, and he dashed into a nearby alleyway in case of any alarm.

Turning a dark corner, Richard quickly saw a squad of 10 guards running to him. They wore a red uniform, the color of the cities official street guards. Starting to run too late, the guards tackled him and twisted his arm behind his back. With the other guards blocking any exits, Richard was dragged unto his feet and pushed forward.

Surprised, Richard could do nothing but walk. “Why do you have me? And where are you taking me?” he asked.

The guard near him shook him, answering with a gruff “You’ll find out later”. Discouraged, Richard closed his mouth and kept walking. He noticed he was walking to the northern part of the city, generally where the important people resided. Then, he reached the city jail, and was quickly forced into a cell before he could struggle or protest. With the door slamming with a loud clang, the sound of the key turning echoing in his mind.

“We’ll be back later, with a visitor” said a guard, before they all left. Left in the bare metal cell, Richard wondered what just happened. He surely wasn’t spotted stealing the purse, as he walked into an ambush and no one could have reacted that fast. But he heard new footsteps echoing down the corridor, and Richard but on the best surprised and offended look could.

He saw a well-dressed man accompanied to two guards. The man was obviously important and had a cool eagle insignia on his uniform. Reaching his cell, the man regarded him with cold, calculating eyes.

Turning to the guards, he said “He’s suitable. Your payment will be transferred to your bank account immediately. With a nice bonus for not injuring him.You are dismissed”

“What did I do?” Richard asked quickly, hoping to take the man by surprise. However, the man did not answer and just kept staring.

Finally, the man explained who he was. “I am Doctor Sherral. I have seen your record and know you have a notorious history of pickpocketing and stealing, all of which I could have you imprisoned for 10 years. So I suggest that you don’t talk until I say”.

“I know this was quick for you, but I’ll explain. This year the king is electing a new royal assassin, and I chose you to be my nominee. Either that or you can spend 10 years in jail. Now will you comply to my orders”

Richard nodded his head, curious to learn more. “Right now we will go to my place and get you cleaned up, before we leave to my resort house to train you. The tournament takes place in a week, so you will have to hurry.”

Then, opening the door, Dr. Sherrall allowed Richard to step outside.

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