Chapter 8: Part-Time Job

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"I've never been to the Ninjago Daycare before." Lloyd admitted as they walked down the streets of Ninjago, "What's it like?" He asked, curiosity in his eyes.

Quin giggled, "You'll like it. The kids are really kind after they get over their parents. I should know." She whispered the last part, but unfortunately, Lloyd heard it.

"What do you mean 'I should know'? Were you an... You know..." Lloyd trailed off at the end, not wanting to say the word.

"An orphan?" She asked, and Lloyd nodded, "Yes, I was. I got adopted but... It wasn't a very loving relationship with my adoptive parents." She lowered her head down in shame.

"What do you mean? Where are they now?" He asked.

"I won't go into detail about it." She said with a frown.

Lloyd nodded, "You don't need to tell me about it."

She shook her head, "No. I want to tell you, but not in detail." Lloyd stayed silent so she continued, "Let's just say, there was an accident and they didn't make it out alive. I was there too but I made it out..." She stopped and sighed in sadness.

Lloyd placed an affectionate hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It was all mine." She closed her eyes and a tear slipped from her right eye. Lloyd noticed her makeup was washed away from where the tear slipped from. He was about to point it out, but the washed-away part revealed something red underneath it.

Quin quickly noticed as she gasped and grabbed something from her bag. She looked away and covered her eye with powder again. Lloyd quickly asked, "What happened to your eye? Why is there a red spot around your right eye?"

She tensed up, but she figured there was no way out of this so she said, "It was from an accident. From when Lord Garmadon was still the Emperor of Ninjago." She said while covering up her scar with powder, "The doctor said it'll heal eventually, but it'll take some time. It used to be bigger, but it's gotten smaller. I cover it up because people seem to think that I look like a freak with it." She admitted sadly.

Lloyd felt pity for her and said, "We all have our scars, Quin." He said, showing his scar on his face that was hidden underneath his hair, "You don't have to hide it."

She looked down as she said, "I'll consider it. But probably not. Thanks for trying though, Lloyd." She smiled and continued walking, "Come on, let's keep going. My shift starts in a few minutes."

Lloyd smiled at seeing her smile. They walked again in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was a comfortable silence, nothing awkward. They just didn't know what to say. Soon enough, they made it to the Daycare. Lloyd was actually surprised at how big the place was, "This place was bigger than I expected."

Quin smiled sadly while holding the door handle, "Lots of kids lose their parents. Most of these kids lost their family during Lord Garmadon's rule."

She opened the door and was greeted by an employee at the front desk, "Oh! Morning, Quin."

"Morning, Mrs. Huxley." She took a card out of her bag and slid it on a card swiping machine, "How are the kids today?" She smiled.

Mrs. Huxley's smile faded, "Not that great. Another kid with their younger sibling came this week, and they don't have the best behavior." Her smile appeared again, "But I think you can help 'em. You know the trick for this type of thing."

Quin smiled, "I used to be an orphan here so I think I know how to get them to let go." Quin left the room into the staff room, leaving Lloyd and Mrs. Huxley.

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