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        I wake up to two things: Kelly scribbling something on paper madly and my other friend Tiana basically jumping on me with uncontrolled excitement. I groand, sit up, and rub my eyes. "Yes, Tia?" I ask tiredly. She smiles and yanks me off my bed.

        "Get dressed, now! There's this guy in the common room waiting for you to wake up." she says. I sigh and quickly get changed. I know it's Cedric.

        I step out of my dormitory and he's sitting patiently on the couch. He brightens when I walk over. "I'm sorry about last night. It was in no way your fault. You did nothing. It's her fault." I say, and he smiles. "I know, I know. How about some breakfast?" He offers his hand and I take it.

        We walk hand in hand to the Great Hall. Some people stare at us as we walk in, others dont notice us, Malfoy walks past muttering, "Diggory attracting pretty girls just because of that tournament," I snort and Cedric walks into him. "Oh, I'm sorry that you don't have a girl and I do. Try improving your people skills."

        I'm his girl? I'm his girl. I'm his girl!

        I almost die from laughing, even after we sit down at the table. I clutch my now hurting sides, and Cedric sighs, catching his breath. "That..was..awesome!" I say and grab some eggs. He nods in agreement and then suddenly turns to me. "Do you think we can start training today?"

        "Sure! We can start with dueling, I guess. It'll be a start." I suggest. "Yeah, even though I'll beat you." he says with a smirk. I smack his arm and we laugh. This is what I've always wanted! It's happening!

        "What are you thinking about? You have your thinking face on." He says, startling me. "I have a thinking face? And how would you know that?" I ask in amusement. He blushes and says nothing else. I laugh and finish my breakfast. "Anyways, I was thinking about which spells to cast on you." He smiles.


        I'm slumped against the wall, and Cedric is against the wall opposite to me. Training went well today. Turns out I'm just as good as him, which was surprising for me. I limp over to him and sit down next to him. We turn our heads to each other and laugh.

        Our heads are close. We start to lean in. It's about to happen! Just as it's about to happen, he stands up and dashes out of the room. I stand up. He ruined the best moment of my life! By running away!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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