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        After Dumbledore and a few others discuss with the competitors about the tournament, we're allowed to go back to our common rooms. I step out of the Great Hall and into the now empty corridor...except for a dark figure slumped against the wall. I walk over to see Charlie sitting there.

        "Charlie?" I ask, hoping my fac isn't red. She snaps her head up and her face becomes gentler. I hold a hand out to her, and she takes it blushing. "Hey, Cedric. I was waiting for my friend. Don't know where she went, guess she got lost in the chaos."

        I laugh, and help her to her feet. Don't blow it, Cedric. "Want to take a walk?" I ask, hoping I said the right thing. She smiles. "Sure. Do you have any idea what the first task will be?" I shrug as we start to walk outside.

        "I don't know, but I should train for anything, even something crazy." I say honestly. "I could help you train." Her voice startles me. She wants to help me? Was I a bit too crazy earlier?

        "Really? You'd do that?" I ask, trying to gain control over the smile spreading across my face. She nods, a bit pink. "Sure thing." We walk in silence for a few relaxing minutes. I take a deep breath and drop my hand near hers, my fingers brushing her hand.

        I'm surpised. She takes my hand in hers and we walk around a bit more.We start to walk back to the common room. To be honest, to spend the night with her like that? I'd give up Quiditch practice anytime.

        I open the door for her, and we walk in. The Hufflepuffs erupt into a party as soon as they realize who walked in. Charlie dashes to her friend and jumps up and down. I laugh and enjoy the party. I glance over at Charlie.

        She's fighting with her friend. I start to walk over, but I hear her friend saying, "Why don't you and that Pretty Pop Boy go be a couple somewhere else? You disgust me!" I linger back for a moment to see Charlie's reaction.

        "First of all, we aren't dating. Second of all, what changed? What have I done in the past hours to disgust you? I've been nothing but nice and loyal to you, but I guess you dont deserve that anymore." She yells and storms off. I follow her and yell out to her, "Charlie!"

        She turns and runs to me. I hug her and she starts crying. I sit her down on the couch. Just as she's about to say something, she stands up. "You know what? Somehow, you started this!" She yells and marches into her dorm. Why is she mad at me? I did nothing to that so called friend of hers!

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