Chapter 8

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Kageyama : Oi Hinata, i'd like to buy a new knee pad, can you go with me tomorrow after our practice match?

Hinata : Oh sure! Can we get meat buns after that?

Kageyama : No problem. I'll treat you for going out with me.

Hinata : Yayy! Thanks!

Hinata and Kageyama meet up in a small cafe around central park in Kodaira, nearby Schweiden Adlers club.

Kageyama : I know it's only a practice match, but i will not go easy on you.

Hinata : Ha! Try me Kageyama! This time again i will win!

Msby Black Jackal team arrived in Tokyo few days prior as they were invited for practice match against Schweiden Adlers on Saturday.

Hinata : Kageyama, i just wonder...

Kageyama : What is it?

Hinata : Do you have someone you like right now?

Kageyama : I do.

Hinata : Who is it??

Kageyama : Bold of you to assume i'll tell you that.

Hinata : Aww come on tell me. You're not fair! I even told you whole things about Ushijima-san!

Kageyama just sips on his drink casually.
Kageyama : It's a secret... for now..

Hinata : Wait! Kageyama.. you.. don't tell me that you like me.. for real?!

Not answering, Kageyama finished his drink, staring at Hinata for a moment, and then pat his head.

Hinata : O-oi! I'm not a kid!

Hinata didn't know what to think if  Kageyama really likes him. If it's true... Suddenly Hinata blushed imagine if they are going out for real.

Hinata : Should i consider about going out with him?


Saturday morning. Few hours before practice match start in Schweiden Adlers.

Msby Black Jackal finally arrived in the huge gymnasium.

Sakusa : Hello Wakatoshi-kun. We meet again in unofficial match this time.

Ushijima : Yeah. I'm looking forward to our game.

Sakusa : Alright. We'll get change first.

Hoshiumi : Ah! Let me show you guys the changing room.

The challenger team is on the venue, but Ushijima haven't seen the ruffly orange hair yet for a moment.

Ushijima : Where's Hinata Shoyo? Isn't he play today?

Sakusa : Yeah he was with us just now. I wonder where he is. Oi Atsumu. Do you see Hinata?

Atsumu : Eh? I think i saw him talking with Tobio-kun outside.

Ushijima : I wonder what they are doing..
To think Hinata and Kageyama are always together made Ushijima uneasy.

Curious, Ushijima walked outside and true that, he saw Hinata and Kageyama. He stop behind the gym's door, not too far from where they were but couldn't hear enough their conversation.

Ushijima didn't think of anything until he saw something that irritates him.

Kageyama kissed Hinata.

Frustrated, Ushijima turned around and dashing back into the gym. Changing and do warm ups, he tried to push away his thoughts about what he just saw.

Ushijima : So it's true after all... they are dating. Ugh. What is this feeling? Irritated? Bad mood? The feelings coming over my mind and in my chest.. this is bad..


The game started.
Msby Black Jackals front line played well together on getting the ball over the net, as well as getting attacks against Schweiden Adlers' spikes.

Hoshiumi passed the ball high enough for Ushijima spikes, but suddenly the well build man's mind went blank and he missed it. He couldn't believe it himself  that he messed up.

Ushijima : Damn! I have to focus! No more slight mistake!

However, Schweiden Adlers team continue to play aggresively, with many strong spikes and great saves they won the fist set.

Looked dissappointed but still remain stoic, Ushijima apologized to his team mates.

Ushijima : I'm sorry i messed up.

Hoshiumi : Don't mind! We just won, right? Let's win the second set! *grinning*

Ushijima merely nodded.


The second set.

The game continued, keeping all players on their feet the entire time.
On the right front Kageyama tossed the ball high above the net, expecting Ushijima to give a powerful spike. As Ushijima was jumping, he saw Hinata across the net.. right in front of him. With a powerful spike, he hits the ball across the net and nobody in the opposite team could save it. Score for Schweiden Adlers.

Kageyama : Yeah!!

Hoshiumi : Nice kill, Ushijima- wait.. Ushijima-san?

Ushijima didn't answer as he already on a sitting position, holding his right knee then to his ankle. Realize something was wrong, his teammates approach him.

Kageyama : Ushijima-san are you okay?

Ushijima didn't answer.

Hoshiumi : Hey, Ushijima-san are you hurt?

Still no answer, only the olive hair's grunting in pain.

Ushijima couldn't hold it, the strain is unbearable. This is the very first time bad injury happen to him and this one really hurts.
Dissapointed and miserable, that was he thought.

The staffs hurried over and check Ushijima's condition. It seems that when Ushijima spiked earlier his right foot landed wrongly he sprained his ankle, and his knee was swelling a bit. The coach insist that Ushijima go to infirmary to be checked further.

Feels angry to himself, Ushijima's head bent and didn't say anything when the club's assistant help him to walk.

The game stopped for awhile.

Bokuto : Ouch. Is he gonna be okay?

Sakusa : I hope so. That looks really painful.

Worried, Hinata's eyes keep following Ushijima while the taller guy is carried to the infirmary.

Hinata : Ushijima-san.. He looks really hurt..

He couldn't think of the pain Ushijima must endure.
And that thought only, make Hinata really sad.


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