Behind the scenes: meeting the cast

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Author note: another special episode without anything to do with the story! This is just a fun chapter you'll see every once and awhile. These kinds of chapters have the settings in a movie like setting. All the characters are actors. But to avoid confusion we will still be using their names used in the main chapters. I hope that clears everything up. Enjoy!

"That's our cast! We don't have everyone but these are who we have for the first few scenes. Tell us your character and how you'll like playing them"

"Can I go First? Okay! So I'm playing Madison and. I feel like I can relate to her a lot. She's very spunky very enthusiastic never can see the bad in any situation" Madison explains "I definitely like. How. Reading the script she just helps everyone in her own way she never really is the main main character. Even though...she is! Does that make sense? No? Well-I just. I'm really going to enjoy playing her" Madison grinned

"My turn. Get out of the camera. Uh-I'm playing Rachel and Uhhhh...wait-" Rachel laughed nervously "no wait hold on I don't have anything ready!"

"Yeah that's what you get for pushing me away!" Madison whined

"Hey. Hey. You! Be quiet over there" Rachel says pointing at Madison "this is my interview"


"Their shooting a song" Bianca whispers "no one told any of us this would be a musical"

"I cannot SING. Why didn't you guys tell us we would be singing!!" Rachel yells at her paper

"🎵cause I got your picture! I'm coming with you! Dear Maria count me in!🎶" Madison sung proudly while Rachel Pouted at her.


"So wait say that all again" Bianca giggles

"Tony. One of our main villains who. Actually doesn't really listen to Madison that much until nearing the end once she finds out his past. Uhh. He is actually my brother. In real time. Not the movie" Madison smirked "and my brother. In the movie who...Troy isn't here yet. Is. Bianca's brother"

"Really? I did not know" Tony was suddenly behind her "AGHG-!!" Madison jumped in surprise "I did not know that" Tony laughed as he turned to leave again "bye Tony get out!" Madison yells "ehhhhbaadahnaaabwaagh" Tony whined and then slammed his hand on the light switch to turn it off. Making Madison and Bianca wheeze into laughter


"It's very ironic that. The two main 'couples' in the story. Are also couples in real life" Hilda says. In a lounging area. She pointed "Rachel and N over there? Dating"

"Really?" Rachel who was standing behind a Chair playing with N hair while he sat there says. Then picks up the hair brush she had and throws it. But it misses Hilda who laughed "and Cheren and Uki-"

"Don't you DARE say it Hilda!!!" Uki barged in and Hilda hid behind a Sofa.

Cheren came in after Uki while she tried to get to her "I don't know how she pulls off such a sweet and skippy acting role" he chuckled shaking his head


"So Hilda just found out that me and her have to have an air battle while riding on Reshiram and Zekrom" N shook his head and turned "Ready to go Hilda?" He called

Hilda looked up from her paper and laughed "haha!" she says simply shaking her head


"Line" Rachel whined


"Line" Rachel says again


"What's my line!?" Rachel asks

"It's 'What' your line is 'What'!!"

"Oh..." Rachel laughed and it made everyone else in the room begin to laugh as well


"Alright quiet on set! Final scene of Saving N. and-...Action!!"

The area was bright and white. There was no floor beneath their feet. Around them as they looked would be the memories of their journey. When they first met N and Rachel. The battle in-front of the Nimbassa gym. And the scavenger hunt with their partner pokemon. And their final time together as friends on the Ferris wheel...

"Take my hand N" Madison held out her hand and slightly moved forward towards him "let me show you there's another way...just as someone once did for me-WOUGHG!!" Something suddenly snapped and Madison lurched forward "Ahh! My thing broke! It broke I don't feel safe!"

"Cut cut!"

"Oh gosh" N pushed Madison back up right as they were lowered back onto the ground "her suspension cord snapped"

"How many burgers did you eat??" Rachel yells from behind the cameras

"I am not dead!" Madison cheers "but that was scary"


"Ghetsis is just an old man that no one likes inside the story and behind the scenes" Rachel shook her head

"I can hear you young lady!" Ghetsis calls from reading his script

"Good!!" Rachel turned and throws an old candy wrapper at him "umph!" He grunted and held his forehead.

Madison laughed "we're bullying the main villain because we don't like him in the actual movie!" Madison laughed


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