Helena's Sickness

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Author's Note: the Cover of this story was made by my friend USS-Montana so go and check him out!

It was early morning when Helena woke up with the urge to throw up and immediately ran towards the bathroom where she began to empty out the contents from her stomach.

Her sister St. Louis, rushed in to help.

"Helena are you feeling alright?" She asked as she soothes her sister whose only response was another surge of vomiting.

"Guess not." St. Louis said as Helena finished emptying out her stomach and began to to brush her teeth.

"I don't know how I'm this sick sister, yesterday I felt fine." Helena said as she turns to the clock. "And I've got to head out! It's my turn to be part of the Commissions Fleet!"

St. Louis placed a hand on her sister's shoulder and said. "I'll tell the Commander about you being sick for the meantime rest."

"Yes, sister." Helena said as she returned to her bedroom.

For the next few days while St. Louis took her sister's place in the fleet, Helena kept on having the same feelings in the mornings until one day, the Head Maid went to bring her her breakfast.

Belfast came in and opens the curtains while waking up the sleeping the blue haired Light Cruiser. "Good morning Ms. Helena, today I volunteered to give you your breakfast and do the morning shores."

"Thank you Belfast." Helena replied as she takes the top off her breakfast that Belfast placed on the bed.

As soon as the aroma hits her nose, Helena's face turns green and ran to the bathroom again.

Belfast came into the bathroom where Helena was finishing throwing out the contents of her stomach.

"Belfast what was in the breakfast you brought me?" She asked the Maid.

"An omelet of bacon, cheese, tomatoes, and spinach." Belfast explained. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I never had a problem with having eggs but why does it make me feel more nauseous?" She asked the Maid who was in thought.

"I just hope my hunch is correct so let's go see Vestal to get you checked out." Belfast said as she grabs Helena and left the Dorm.

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