Ch. 22

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The weather had caused minimum damage to the mansion when Peach and the toads had been absent, but Peach couldn't see that as a problem now that the sun was out and the sky was crystal blue. A couple of toads set to work fixing the house up and cutting up more firewood for the fire. 

Peach sent out another team of toads to thoroughly check the region for any signs of hiding Boos. Armed with flashlights and torches, they set out and returned in time for dinner the same day. They reported seeing not even the shadow of a ghost. Everything was safe and sound. 

A grave was made for the one toad that had been taken and supposedly devoured by the Dry Bones - Toadum's good friend Toadmi. He'd sacrificed himself to give Peach and the others a chance at getting to safety - for that, his name was held in the highest regard. Peach regretted letting him die as she place flowers on his grave the following morning - she made a promise to herself that she wouldn't let anymore toads be taken by the wilds of Vibe Island. 

Other than that, the days were peaceful. But Peach was antsy. She wondered about how Mario and Luigi and Toad were holding up at Bowser's fortress, wherever that was. After a day of rest, she decided to set out again for a new region to look for more toads.  

She made this announcement at the dinner table on the second day after they'd defeated King Boo. Everyone looked up at her in surprise. 

"So soon?" Montoad asked. 

"Yes, you certainly look worse for wear, Princess," Toadland commented. "You've only rested a day. I suggest that you take a bath and eat some more." 

"Yes, I don't think you should shove off so quickly," Toaday agreed. 

Peach appreciated their concerns and agreed to rest for another day. 

The following morning, Toaddette called her into the bathroom. "Here, why don't you have a bath, Princess?" Toaddette asked. "Moretoad found a stream running nearby, and now we can use fresh water for bathing instead of this nasty water that comes out of the faucet-Toadkins is working on the plumbing." 

Toaddette poured a bucket of steaming hot water into the bath. "And take a look at this - I figured out how to make soap." She pulled a huge leaf out of her pocket. "I call this soapleaf - whenever you squeeze the juice out of these leaves and pour them into water, they make bubbles. Let's try it." Toaddette brought out a small bowl of pre-squeezed soapleaf and poured it into the bath. Almost instantly, bubbles arose from the water. 

"Oh! That's amazing," Peach commented. "Thanks very much, Toaddette." 

"You're welcome." Toaddette retreated out of the room.  

Peach washed up and cleaned her dirty, tangled hair thoroughly before getting out and emptying the tub. She put her Sunday dress, which had been cleaned by a couple of toads, back on and worked to dry her hair with her cloak. When she left the bathroom, Toaddette was waiting for her. "Princess," she said. "Why don't you let me dry your hair by brushing it? I...I've got something to talk to you about anyway." 

Toaddette led Peach into one of the bedrooms and sat up on the bed. She pulled a small brush out of her pocket and began to brush Peach's long, wet hair dry. After a few minutes, Toaddette said, "Er, Princess Peach...I'd like to tell you that whenever you leave to journey to a new territory, I'm coming with you." 

It hadn't been a question. It was a very strong statement. Peach bit her lip. "I don't want you to be hurt," she said quietly. 

"I know. But I'm not going to sit still when we could be looking for Toad." 

"Toad is wherever Bowser is." 

"I know that too. But that isn't changing my mind. Whether we're looking for toads or looking for doesn't matter. I'm coming with you, Princess. I'm sorry if I sound pushy." 

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