Ch. 9

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Bowser heard the news around midmorning: something had happened in Ladida Plains, and Petey was now cooked extra crispy, barely alive. 

That bothersome King Boo had heard the news first and deemed it, without Bowser's permission, to be a Vibe Island High Council problem. So he and the rest of the council had piled up on Bowser's doorstep, demanding to be let in. 

Trying not to be irritated by the entire spectacle, Bowser had calmly let them in and had a Koopa med unit wheel Petey's burnt carcass off to the infirmary. 

They were there now, huddled outside and looking in. Bowser's annoyance had faded at the doctor's report on the poor guy - barely breathing, severe third-degree burns, little hope of recovery...who or what had done this to the guy? 

The VIHC backed up as Dr. Goomba stepped out of the infirmary. "He's all right, for now," he said. "Hopefully, with a lot of water, meat, and exposure to light for photosynthesis, he'll survive the night." 

The Gooper Blooper, stuck to the side in his large bowl, sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." 

The Hoo hopped up to the glass door and peered inside at Petey, hooting fretfully as she did. The piranha plant was lying in bed, wrapped head to toe in thick bandages. Any exposed skin was slathered in a gelatinous, clear cream to help soothe the burns. The end of a root stuck awkwardly out of Petey's left side through the bandages. A couple of RNs were adjusting Petey's blanket carefully around the projectile. 

"She feels sorry for him," the Wiggler translated. "Poor chap - who could have done this to him? He's suffered so much damage." 

"Is he awake?" Bowser demanded Dr. Goomba. 

"I've given him some medicine to sleep," the doctor reported. "He's in great pain - we're going to have to operate to pull that root out." 

"Great," Bowser threw up his hands in annoyance. "How in the world are we going to get the scoop from him if he's been knocked out to la-la land?" Because he seriously wanted to know. He already had enough trouble on his plate worrying about Mushroom Kingdom retaliation. He didn't want to have to deal with internal problems too! 

"There are other ways of finding information than from one of seventy present at the scene," Blizzaurus said testily.  

"Fine," Bowser relented. "Where those idiot Goombas that were stationed in the Plains?" 

"In recovery, sir!" a nearby Hammer Bro answered, snapping up a salute. 

"Go get them!" 

The Bro hurried off. A minute later, a group of Goombas came scrambling towards the VIHC. They were all covered in thick bands of gauze, and Bowser could see why: underneath all of the bandages, the Goombas were riddled with burns. 

"Captain...Goomp?" Bowser demanded. 

"Ye'sir," a strained voice from the back of the squad said. Captain Goomp limped towards the front, his bandages thicker than the rest. His injury seemed to be killing him as he stood at attention before Bowser and saluted. "Me and my squadron of Goombas were present at the scene." 

"What happened?" King Boo asked. 

"We were settin' up camp when a girl in a really raggedy dress appeared outta nowhere, askin' us fer food. I demanded to know who she was, and she claimed to be a'princess, but I didn't believe 'er. Plus, she had an umbrella that started talkin'! Believe me, sir, she waddn't a princess! She be a WITCH!" 

"Witch, witch!" several other Goombas repeated. 

"Don't be silly, there's no such things as witches," the Wiggler declared. 

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