It wasn't me

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Maya sped home, trying not to cry because she knew the twins would still be awake and she didn't want them to see her get upset. Once she pulled up in the drive she could hear giggles and happy screams coming from the backyard, which made her smile because her little girls made every bad situation good. She walked into her house and slammed the front door. The twins ran into the house followed by Andy and were so surprised to see Maya. "Mommy!" They yelled as they hurtled towards her.

"Baby girls," Maya said as she crouched down and opened her arms for her daughters.

"You look so pretty," Ellie said as she registered her mom's attire.

"Thank you, princess," Maya brushed a tear away from the corner of her eye and continued to hug her daughters. Andy stood in front of Maya with a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything okay? Why aren't you on your date?" She asked Maya.

"I'll tell you later," Maya replied gesturing to the small girls in her arms.

"Guess what we had for dinner, mommy," Rosie said excitedly.

"What did you have?" Maya tried to look animated and excited for her daughters.

"We had pizza!" Rosie's eyes opened wide.

"Wow, Rosie that's awesome. Say thank you to Aunty Andy," Maya was trying so hard not to cry at the little girls that looked so much like Carina.

"Thank you, Aunty Andy," the girls said in unison.

"You're very welcome," Andy said with a gentle smile.

Maya went into the living room and sat on the couch with her daughters and her best friend. Rosie sat with Andy and Ellie sat on Maya's lap with her legs either side of her mother's. Ellie repeatedly leaned forward and rubbed her nose against Maya's and giggled and then did it again. Ellie's little giggles filled Maya's heart with so much joy that she almost forgot that she'd just found her wife kissing another woman. Suddenly, Maya heard Carina's car door close on the drive; she couldn't bear to see the Italian so she encouraged the twins upstairs for a bath. "Come on girls, let's go for a bath."

"But wasn't that Mama on the drive?" Ellie said innocently.

"No, honey, it was the neighbours. Come on quickly." Maya carried the twins upstairs and started running the bath so they wouldn't hear the door open.

The little girls sat in the bath and let Maya run strawberry shampoo through their hair causing bubbles to erupt from their heads. "You smell so good, babies."

"Strawberries," Rosie replied matter of factly.

Maya giggled before washing away the bubbles and getting the twins out of the bath and wrapped into pink fluffy towels. Maya picked the girls up under her arms playfully and carried them into their bedroom and put their pyjamas on. Once their pyjamas were on and their hair was brushed the girls heard Carina downstairs talking to Andy.


Carina stormed into the house and tried to close the door quietly so the girls wouldn't hear her. She didn't expect to see anyone but then a brunette head popped up from the couch. "Oh, Andy you scared me," Carina said, startled.

"Sorry, I was waiting to talk to Maya but she's getting the twins ready for bed," Andy replied, trying not to sound nasty because she didn't actually know what had happened.

"Okay," Carina said breathily as she rubbed her hand on her forehead.

"Is everything okay?" Andy asked concernedly.

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