Prolonged trips and drinks

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"Come in," Carina said the the person knocking on her door. The door opened and in stepped Arizona in her navy blue scrubs and white coat.

"Hey," she said with a wide smile.

"Hey, are you okay?" Carina asked from her desk.

"Yeah, I just wanted to find out how your girls were after I dropped Ellie off?" She replied sweetly.

"Oh, they were fine, Ellie just gets really clingy sometimes," Carina said while occasionally glancing at Arizona from her concentrated view on her laptop.

"I also wanted to tell you that I extended my trip," Arizona blurted out.

"What?" Carina's gaze snapped up to make eye contact with Arizona.

"Dr Darbon had another mom come in and asked if I could perform her surgery as I'm here," Arizona said from where she was stood in the doorway.

"Oh, when's the surgery?" Carina closed her laptop so Arizona had her full attention.

"In two weeks."

"Okay." Carina didn't really know what to say to the blonde, she didn't really have an opinion on Arizona staying in town, but she knew Maya would not be happy, so she decided to not bring it up with Maya. Arizona then left Carina's office and closed the door.

Thirty minutes later, Carina had a space in her schedule so decided to go play with her daughters in daycare. As she approached the daycare, the little brunettes came running towards her.

"Mama!" They jumped into her arms where she was crouched down to their level.

"Hello, bambinas," she said sweetly as she stroked their hair.

"Why are you here, mama?" Rosie asked innocently.

"I've come to play with my babies," she replied with a huge grin.

"Yay, come on," the girls began dragging Carina into the daycare where they were previously playing with dolls out of their backpacks. Carina sat down on the floor next to a child size table and Rosie came to sit in her lap with a book. "Can you read this, mama?" She asked, handing Carina the book.

"Of course my love," Carina replied, taking the book from the small hands. "Ellie, come sit with us here," Carina said gesturing her other daughter over. Ellie sat next to Carina and rested her head on her side.

Twenty minutes later, after playing with the girls, it was time for Carina to go back to work. She stood up from sitting on the floor and lifted Rosie onto one hip and Ellie onto the other.
"I have to go back to work now, my loves," she said to the small girls fiddling with her hair.

"Okay," Ellie replied with a sad face.

"You stay here, and I'll see you later," she said as she put the girls onto the floor. She then crouched in front of them. "Mommy is going to come and pick you up, okay?"

"Why not you?," Rosie asked with a cute confused expression on her face.

"Because I have a surgery, but I'll be home before bath time," Carina said, hugging her daughters before leaving, she began walking to the door and waved to them as she went.


At 5pm Maya left the station to get her daughters from daycare. When she got to the hospital she passed by Carina's office before going to get the twins. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply, "come in," she pushed the door open and popped her head in. "My love," Carina said excitedly when she saw Maya.

"I'm just going to get the twins, but I wanted to see my wife first," Maya said with a sweet smile.

"Well, I'm very happy you came," Carina said as she put her hands on Maya's waist and kissed her delicately. "I'll come to daycare with you and say bye to the girls," The brunette said, lacing her fingers with her wife's.  They walked down the hall hand in hand to the daycare. When they got there, the twins came running to the door,

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