Part 4 - Glad I said YES

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* 25 years ahead*

My head was hurting bad. But I gathered myself once again and walked up to my daughter's room.
Before opening the door I stopped to listen to what they were fighting about so I can handle them accordingly.

" Go and get me food Lee"

" Jacob stop irritating I already told you mom's making it"

" No, she asleep! Do you want to disturb her? han?" Jacob said grumpily.

There was a little silence and then I heard Leinah shut her laptop and walk towards the door crying in the most hurt voice

" IF DAD was here he'd have beaten you up for this..." she kept talking as I heard the voice moved closer.

I was running out of time. I needed to get to the kitchen and make food before my daughter comes in. I rushed to the kitchen as fast as I could and as quietly as possible trying not to let my kids know I was there and heard them.

When I entered the kitchen, the food was already cooking in the oven. The older me had prepared it already. 'WELL, THANKS ME!' I thought, as I slowly pulled it out and put it on the slab. At least the future me still has a heart enough to not let my kids stay hungry.

My daughter had reached the kitchen by then.

"Yummy mum" she began .. as she walked up to me and hugged me.. just like Charles did 25 years ago.

"You're not just the best mom ever... You're a heaven" she added before walking up to the roasted turkey and started topping it with my favorite sauce. Of course! I smiled as I remembered how the sauce was my mother's favorite too. Somehow I knew it was Leinah 's favorite too.

Jacob, who happened to have followed his sister also showed up.

I watched them as both my kids set the table for dinner. How could the older me be so foolish to leave these kids and break Charles's promise?

I'm not letting it happen again. I can't take away these kid's youth just to go back and live those 25 years again And bear the pain of losing my husband again. I tossed the time portal locket into the trash and joined my kids.

*25 years back*

"Say yes ! say yes !"

The crowd cheering me up. I almost nodded no, but then I remembered my kids. If I say no would they live in the future? besides, THAT was the reason I came back for. If I could get to live those 25 years again. JUST once! maybe I could gather strength to bear the future next time?

"Yes,"   I said .. and found myself swinging in his arms around.

YES! yes! yes... that's exactly what I needed. those years back. to be strong just enough.

Maybe if I had stayed I'd have died out of stress?

*25 years ahead*

That's exactly what my kids needed I think. The 25 years younger confident me who could hold them up and give them. Maybe if I had stayed the other me wouldn't have been able to take care of them?

*Both 25 years ahead and before*

I'm not sure what made me do that .. but I think that was meant to be for good of everyone...

I'm glad I said YES! 🤗

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