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the group finally appeared to be in front of zayn's apartment as the guy fumbled with his keys and his friends ushered each other inside.

"ayeee!" niall's loud voice was heard all over zayn's quiet apartment as logan joined him. they opened the beer cans and niall's eyes trapped into jane elizabeth.

"who are you?" he asked, his tone coming out confused like he didn't notice the girl trailing behind them.

"hey! she's my baby cousin, jane. don't be rude or i'll rip your eyes out." rose said. jane elizabeth rolled her eyes as zayn appeared with lucy in the living room with chips, pizza and chinese food in their hands. niall was about to say something when his eyes caught the huge amount of food set on the floor.

"food!" he and logan yelled and started to dig in.

"so jane-" niall started. zayn had read his lips and his eyes found her figure squished between logan's abnormally large body and the huge cushion. he sighed.

"logan, can you move please? you're squishing jane elizabeth." he firmy said. logan had already chucked down two bottles of beer and his eyes were slightly red. he stared at zayn for a moment and then, flipped him off.

"ugh. zayn, always caring about people." he slurred and moved away a little. "happy?"

"very." he rolled his eyes back. jane elizabeth gave him a small nod.

"SHUT UP!" niall screamed. lucy jumped, her eyes wide.

"you shut up, little twerp." rose mumbled.

"ugh, stupid thundercunt." niall hit back making rose gasp in horror.

"what did you just call me? you loud, fake blonde!" she shouted. the rest were nothing but amused at their little cat fight. niall frowned and picked on his hair.

"my fake blonde is more beautiful than your fake face, thank you very much." he said and logan laughed.

"HA, i love this." he said and ate his pizza. zayn just looked at them, sniffling a laughter. his friends were weird and this was just one of those nights where they get extremely drunk and insult each other to the point where they fight and there's no hair left on their heads.

"as if! you little irish shit." rose finally said after a while, not finding a good come back.

"i was on your side on this one, rose. damn it! you humiliated me, child." logan frowned, his forehead creasing.

"the smartest thing to ever come out of her mouth is a penis, not a comeback to me, friends." niall proudly said. by then rose was fuming, lucy was bubbling in laughter along with her boyfriend, jane elizabeth was quietly smiling down and zayn... zayn was enjoying it. he was enjoying having a good time with his friends, seeing them quarrel at the stupidest thing but most of all he enjoyed looking at the mystery in front of him.

he was pulled back into reality by seeing rose's hands on the air. she screamed, her face was red and her eyes were on fire. the rest were laughing. rose muttered something and soon, THUD. she jumped on top of niall who was as much surprised as everyone else was. she reached out for his hair and pulled it on the right side, niall doing the same with her. their hands were all over each other's hair and the pulling and pushing looked so miserable that logan was enjoying it very much.

"oh god! leave my hair alone, you sicko!" niall screamed at the top of his lungs. rose screamed and punched him square in the jaw. zayn's eyes went wide and his mouth fell open along with the others.

"holy shit." zayn mumbled and he looked up and all of a sudden everything seemed to fade away. the screaming and fighting in front of him faded away with nothing but fog in between as he saw jane elizabeth. her eyes crinkled on the side and her nose scrunched up as she laughed. her gray eyes were wide and time to time, so was her mouth and zayn couldn't help but notice how alive she looked laughing. the loneliness he saw in her eyes earlier had decided to leave for a while and her purple hair was falling in front of her eyes and he wanted nothing but to swipe it to the side and see it fall over her shoulder and front all over again.

as she came back to reality, so did her eyes and the vibrancy inside it and the feeling of pure delight zayn felt seeing her smile went away along with the lightweight she felt while laughing after a long time. her eyes flicked up and met his for a second and when she looked away, she had an unknown feeling inside her that much too felt like shyness.

jane elizabeth slowly rose up from her slouched form in the sofa and walked away towards the huge window. the purple and red light of dawn shone through her eyes and a smile was creeping up to her mouth again. the sky seemed beautiful with the light blue, almost white, and grey clouds covering almost every inch of the sky and the color of faded purple, pink, red and orange was mesmerizing to see. she was so drawn towards nature that she didn't notice a presence beside her until the person spoke.

"beautiful, isn't it?" zayn's fruity voice said, almost in a breathy whisper.

"yes." she said after a while of studying the sky and the feeling she felt when her eyes met zayn's when she said the words. the feeling of warmth and fullness swarm through her empty heart and dark soul. he slowly smiled down at her and she titled her head up. she wasn't used to feeling any of this. she was one of those girls who were free and liked rebellion, attention and she loved the satisfaction she got whenever she finished doing something she wasn't expected to do. she was never the girl who felt intimidated around a guy, it was the opposite to say. she was one of those crazy, lonely, beautiful girls that every guy wishes to keep their hands on and every girl in her town dreaded to be but at the same time, they were jealous of her and the way she did everything her heart told her to do.

"i didn't tell you earlier but you were amazing tonight." jane elizabeth whispered, her gloomy eyes were on zayn's the whole time she spoke and the way his gleaming eyes stared her down and the smile forming themselves on his mouth made her look away immediately.

"thank you, love." he said.


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