Chapter Two

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Picture Of Brian >>>>>>>>


“…Everybody could be at the right place, at the right time but only a few of those aware leave the crowd and become somebody…”

-       Helen Valerie, Rolling Stone [1983]

“Madame would you like your check now?”

“Huh?” I yawn as the waiter prods me awake. It takes me a moment to take in my surroundings through drowsy eyes and discover I am at Guaviare’s, one of my family and me’s favorite restaurants and also a celebrity haunt, where the cream of society dine to be seen. The waiting list for Guaviare’s goes on for months, which nobody could criticize, after all the chocolate canapés here were decadently sinful, but being a Lyon and loyal customer has me my own table all year round.

“Well just charge it to my family’s account” I tell the waiter who stands stiffly at my side, his face carefully blank for he is much to professional to remark at my sorry state.

“Yes Madame.” He states with a barely perceptible nod and leaves. I wince as I feebly try to extract the canapé crumbs that had somehow gotten into my hair while I was fast asleep. Sighing in defeat, I give up for what I desperately required was a bath.

It had been two days since the people I called my parents had thrown me out and I had to admit I was in pathetic condition. I had been camping in my car since the past two days and how much ever I reclined the seat sleep would evade me.

Bathing was a luxury suddenly I had no access to which probably meant I reeked.

I still wore the same stone wash Gucci jeans and popcorn stained cream DKNY tank. Luckily I had the sense to grab my black Burberry trench coat that fateful day my parents had escorted me to the door. 

I had spent the first day furious at their ridiculous reaction to the whole movie fiasco while I tried to remember whom I could call for help in the city. The only problem is I didn’t have any friends in the city. All my good friends were scattered across the globe from Johannesburg to Mumbai and I could hardly board a flight to Africa now could I?

Due to my frequent travelling I had never stayed long enough in the city to actually make good friends, I mean I had ‘acquaintances’ here but they were only good for exchanging air kisses and fake smiles with. Besides they weren’t the it’s-cool-to-crash-on-my-couch type.

I didn’t have colleagues because I never lasted too long at any job and most of them didn’t exactly have the best of impressions of me. I could always call the AD I worked with on my last job, but I had a feeling they still hadn’t discharged him from the hospital…

When I finally came to terms with the fact that there was nobody I could call for help, I spent the entire day two trying to emotionally blackmail my parents, which I would totally have succeeded at if they would only take my calls. Oh well it was only a matter of time before they finally came to their senses and apologized to me. After all I was their beloved baby girl…

“Madame” The waiter materialized out of thin air before me, bringing me out of my reverie. “There seems to be a misunderstanding.” An icy trickle of fear rolls down my spine at his phrasing but I manage to maintain a poker face. “What misunderstanding?” I ask mimicking my sister’s haughty countenance. I could not tackle the situation as Fiona the loser right now.

“Well, Madame it seems your family has paid and closed their accounts all over the city. Would you like your check now?”

Oh God… They must have done it because of me.

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