Swedish Caroleans: One of the Finest Armies in Europe of the Time

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[Lyrics video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPHKn1JYHcA (Carolean's Prayer Lyrics by Piscator]

[History video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9YkX3fsZHQ Carolean's history by Sabaton History]



After taking their break from the cruel and devastating sight they saw from the last viewing, they only hoped Subaru will make them view something more tame and calm. But from his introduction to his world, it's history mostly comprised of war. This made them think if inventing new technology from another world would benefit the dominance of the Lugunican Empire. 

(We really don't know if Lugunica is considered an Empire or not, so take that with a grain of salt, sorry for the extremist fans out there.)

A half elf, cladded in white garments walked out of her room, to start the day. With her is her knight, in his tracksuit, changing from his knight's attire. 

"Subaru?" the half elf asks to get his attention. She just feared what they will see now, so it's better to ask him now, rather than later. The sight was just too much for her, and so are for the others.

"Yes Emilie?" Asks the knight, with clear guilt from his tone. He did not expect the mental stress the previous viewing would take a toll on them. Reducing them to a shocked state, and to one of distress. 'I did go far though, I should've let them view something else!' He berated himself in thought.

"W-What a-are we going to view n-next?" she stutters, she still has the ptsd from last viewing.

Subaru, seeing the love of his life in this state, could not help but hate himself for letting them view such brutality.

"Don't worry, I won't let you view more battles, I'll just let you all listen to a song with lyrics this time. Only lyrics, not battles this time okay?" He said with a reassuring tone. 'I should have done that previously... Lyrics video it is, no more music videos.'

(Yes, he has the power to basically check Youtube in this world. Well ,not go to actual Youtube, but another form of it that we thought of. Don't ask us, just accept the logic.)

"Y-You pr-promise?" Still stuttering, Emilia asks to confirm his answer.

Subaru smiles, and kisses her forehead. "Of course Emilia-tan. After all, I will compensate for what I made you view yesterday..."

Emilia smiles from his confirmation and she kisses his cheek. "It's not your fault, it's the actions of your ancestors that caused this." She reassures him, she wasn't like this because Subaru made them view such event, it was because of those people present in that war.

(I honestly don't know  where this is going anymore, from warfare to romance.)

(You really are an idiot...)

(I know)

Subaru somewhat feels lighter, but the guilt is still with him. "Well, it's partially my fault as well that I let you all see those..."

Emilia just held his hand tighter "No it's not. Just next time, warn us please?"

"Sure Emilia-tan." He replied.

Emilia gave him one of her sweet smiles, they walked to their seats, Emilia clinging to Subaru, and Subaru clinging to Emilia. Her head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on hers.

These types moments are rare for the duo, since Emilia IS the current ruler, and Subaru did everything to strengthen security in the capital and the rest of the kingdom. He even made a several new royal guard regiments, ten to be exact, with the permission from the Queen herself. Arming these regiments with the finest weapons, and training them to make them the most finest regiment in the kingdom's army. Emilia's protection was his priority now that she was queen. Who knows when assassins will try to kill her, hell, he even leads these ten regiments himself, and even another secret regiment, known only to him and Emilia. This regiment, they were armed with experimental weapons. Weapons from the musket era. They hired great minds and workers to make this possible, their lives on the line of they spill a bit of information about these weapons. Now they are tasked to make the modern rifles, with this and more training with these revolutionary weapons, they will make a new generation of knights, with a new code of chivalry. The ancient ways will end, and the new ways are on the horizon. With this, Lugunica is entering the new age rapidly. The other kingdoms lagging behind, they will easily submit to Lugunican rule because of such power they will hold in the future. Not to mention, they already make a breakthrough in their developments. They made it compatible with magic, making the firepower more devastating.  Although they have no intentions to go to war yet, if it's for Emilia's safety, he will do so gladly. Emilia was against this, but Subaru prevailed. 

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