Chapter 9

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The next day after college Feji catches up with me in the parking lot, when I'm waiting for the bus. "Hi birthday girl!" She calls out after me, I turn around and see her running down the stairs. I start giggling, I hope she doesn't fall flat on her ass, with that long skirt she is wearing. She gives me a big bear hug when she reaches me. "I'm so sorry I haven't brought you a gift." She apologizes. I laugh. "Feji I was only joking, when I send you that text." She makes a 'o' with her mouth, like she just realized. "Right, but I want you to go with me to the mall, I'll pay for a birthday dinner." She tells me grabbing my hand. I am about to reply, when the bus arrives.

We get on the bus, and find empty seat's upfront. "So what were you going to say?" Feji asks. I look out the bus, maybe I can get a glimpse of Asad. I haven't seen him all day. "Hello?" Feji asks while she fangs with her hand. "Yeah, I was saying that I'll think about it." "Think about it?" Feji asks. I nod. "Shut up, we are going. no arguments." She says and takes her phone up from her bag. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "I'll ask your mom permission, and tell her that we are going to the mall." I shake my head. "Your impossible Feji." She laughs and pads my shoulder. "But you love me." I shake my head. "Not really." She starts fake crying. "I do, your my best buddy." I comfort her. she smiles and start typing.

"So what do you want first?" Feji asks as we stand in front of the mall. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "Where should we go first, I will buy whatever you want." I shake my head. "No Feji, that I can't accept." She smiles. "Come on, please it your birthday. It will make me feel better to give you something, for being such a good friend." I smile. "You're a good friend too, you don't have to give me anything, but a dinner will be nice right now." She nods and grabs my hand. "Let's go then."

We walk a little in the mall, and check  out the different shops, before we decide to walk into a small restaurant. "Oh my god Afrin, they make Greek food!" Feji says and claps her tiny hands. "Relax, let's go in" I tell her smiling at her childish behavior.

"Let's sit over there." I point at a table in the far end of the restaurant. "That's okay with me." She says. We walk over, and sit down. "Let's see what they have." Feji says and opens the menu. I take my leather jacket off, and put my phone on top of the table. When we have decided what we want, a lady comes over. "Yes, what do you girls want?" I look at Feji. "I would like this "Greek lasagna" "I'll take the durum" I add and look up at the women. "Good choices, they taste divine." She tells us and walks away with our order. "Oh my god, did you hear the hint of Greek in her accent." Feji says and giggles like a schoolgirl. "Sadly." I say and grin.

"Anyways, while we wait, I'll tell about my thoughts." She says. I nod. "you know, I've discovered something about Asad." I lean in. "what do you mean?" I can feel myself getting nervous, both on Asad and my own behalf. "He has a fling, don't know with who." "how do you know?" I ask her. "I heard Malik telling about it, well I overheard his conversation a bit." She says biting her lip. "He  said he was at Asad's house, and then Asad called someone. He talked with her all night." I try to look normal. But can't. I have to tell Asad about this. We have to be more careful. "Anyways, I mean who wants something with the playboy anyway?" I nod. "He had something with Mirah, I swear, there was so much drama between them." I look at my hands. "Here is your food." The women comes at the right time, and puts down our plates. "Thank you." We both say in unicorn to the lady, she nods and walks away.

"So what do you think about Malik?" Feji asks. while taking a bite of the lasagna. I open my durum, "Why? I thought you were over the whole 'I love Malik' episode." I tell her. She grins. "I am, but I don't know. I mean why would he come back to my life If he just wants to play with me again?" she says with mouth full of food. "Firstly, he is like all the boys nowadays, they basically need new entertainment toys since they get bored fast, secondly close your mouth when you eat." she pads my hand away.

The love between I and uNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ