Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up by a text from Sarah which said; remember to meet up at time today  :) xo. I had forgot all about work, I had a 2 hours shift today. I replied her with 'thanks for reminding me' and jogged to the bathroom.

I didn't pray, since I was on my period. I hurriedly wash my face, and brush my teeth after that I dried my face with a towel.

"Afrin, are you going to work today?" mom called from downstairs. I really hated when people yelled to each other, so I went downstairs, and hugged her from behind. "I am, so you are going to miss me very much" I tell her and grab a apple from a tray on the table. she smiles and hands me a bowl of granola. "Alright, I don't think I'll be home when you come back, so there is food in the fridge otherwise, come over to Amira's. I'll be there." I nod and sit down to eat.

"Afrin, who did you talk to last night?" she asks and surprises me. I look up at her, but she is standing with her back to me. "Feji, she is a college mate. really sweet girl." "okay, where is she from?" I take a spoonful of granola, "Palestine." She waits for the water to boil, and turns around. "That's great, invite her over one day." I nod. "Insha'Allah mom." After eating breakfast I go upstairs and change.

 Shortly afterwards I say goodbye to mom. I walk towards the bus station to catch a bus, to the town.

when I enter the cafe, it crowded like always. I look around for signs of Abdul or Sarah. I see Sarah's silhouette, she smiles when she sees me. "dear god, girl. where have you been?" I smile and give her a hug, she hugs me back and smiles. "Nowhere, you know I started in college. so I've been busy with that." she nods. "good, so you haven't forgotten your Sarah then?" I shake my head. "That would be terrible." she playfully hits my arm, and hands me my work clothes. "You're going to serve tonight, we don't have enough servants." I accept the clothes, and nod.

After one hour, Sarah playfully falls down against a table. "I can't anymore." I laugh and try to make her stand. "only one hour left" I tell her and try to get her to stay motivated. "It doesn't help, I'm too tired.." I look at her. "Why don't Abdul hire some more employers. It's only you, the cook and me." She nods and shakes her head. "I wish I knew."

After two hours of working it's time for closing the restaurant. "The keys is on the table, the last one who leaves can close up." I tell Sarah while I'm taking my jacket on. "Sarah, can you drive me to Amira's house?" I ask her. She turns around when she is finished cleaning a table nearby. "Of course, what is there to ask for?" I smile and sit down and wait for her to get done. When she is done cleaning, she gets her stuff and the keys. "Let's go" she tells me.

When we get inside Sarah's red Honda, I congratulate her with the new car. "girl you should have seen how much I had to work for it." I laugh and look around. "It a bubbly car, just like you." I tell her teasingly. She starts the car and drives onto the road. "So why are visiting Amira?" Sarah asks. "My mom is at her house, and I'm going to pick her up" I tell her.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you some exciting news." I turn towards her. "I got engaged!" she screams feeling all excited. My jaw drops and I keep looking at her. "oh my god, Mubarak, but you're a awful friend for not telling it sooner." She hits my arm playfully. "At least I told you now." I nod. she turns toward the road again. "and how about you? aren't you getting engaged?" I start laughing, and can't seem to stop. "Afrin, was my question that funny?" Sarah asks and looks at me weird. "No, not that I'm only 18." I tell her and wipe of my tears.

"You can stop here" I tell Sarah when we get to a red house.  she nods and stops the car. "Okay, remember to say Salam from me to them" Sarah says. "I will"  We say goodbyes, and I get out from the car.

 It's my first time seeing Asad's house, it's a small villa, with a front porch full of colorful flowers. I walk up the steps and breath out slowly, before knocking on the door.

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