He looked so perfect

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It had been about two weeks since I had started my new school in New Jersey. I really liked the city, it was dark and dangerous, but in a really pretty way and my new friends were better than I could ever had hoped for. The school itself was another story though; all the teacher's and students picked on Gerard mercilessly. For the most part, I could stick up for him as we shared most of our lessons, but in others like PE, there was nothing I could do.

And I hated it.

I didn't know why they were so mean to him, but whatever the reason, it was horrible and unacceptable.  I snapped out of my thoughts to turn on my laptop in my room. The computer made a ping as it logged on, and I immediately clicked onto the little blue icon for skype. I pressed a few buttons and soon, I was looking at the faces of my friends back home.

"Hey fuckface!" One of them, Eve, called enthusiastically.

"Nice to see you too." I laughed.

"So how's 'murica?" Another asked.

"Meh, not too bad, I met these pretty cool guys here."

There came a chorus of 'oooohs' and wolf whistles and I laughed.

"Nooooooooo, not like that!" I giggled.

"I would hope not! More than one gets a bit of a handful!" Sarah laughed.

We talked for a few minutes before my phone began to Buzz loudly. I excused myself and (following yet more cat calls) picked it up to a chirpy Gee on the other end.
"Hey, you wanna come round to mine with Frank and the guys?" I could almost hear his massive smile.

"Hell yeah! I'll be there in about half an hour." The best part about living here was the fact that Gerard and Mikey's house was only down the street, so we walked to school together most days and we spent most of our time at one or the other.
"Great! It gonna be sooooooo cool!" He all but shouted before he hung up.

I turned back to five very smug faces on the computer screen.

"So who was that?" Chloe asked.

"Uh, that was Gerard, he's one of the guys I met here." I said awkwardly.

"Ooh, is Emily in looooooove??" Eve asked and there came a chorus of giggles.

"No, and I've got to go, so speak to you guys later!" I said, noticing the time. The girls all said bye and I shut the top.

A few minutes later, I was running out of the door and yelling "Going to Gerard and Mikey's, BYE!" Up the stairs. I rushed down the road and almost crashed into four older guys. One of them caught my eye immediately. His hair was dyed a multitude on different colours and he had a piercing on his eyebrow. I gawked at him awkwardly, trying to gather up my thoughts. He was so perfect. I just wanted to touch his hair and his smooth skin and-

"Hey beautiful." He took me out of my thoughts.

I just opened and shut my mouth repeatedly like a fish, trying to come up with something to say. He chuckled softly.

"I'm Michael, Michael Clifford." He said smoothly. He waited, as if expecting an answer. "Aaaand you?"

"Oh, E-Emily," I stuttered. I felt so stupid and small in his presence, he was just too beautiful. He just chuckled again.

"You go to the local high school, right?" I nodded.

"Well, nice to meet you, see you on Monday." He winked and I all but swooned. I smile sheepishly as he walked away and out of sight.
Oh my god.

Just at that moment, Gerard ran around the corner to meet me. He looked out of breath and relieved.

"There you are, I was worried." He glanced at where i was looking and his face scrunched up as if he was a dog growling.

"Oh, I see you met the school jocks." He spat. I widened my eyes as my head shot up to look in his eyes. And he sighed.

"Look, I'll tell you later, let's just get you off the streets, Jersey's a dangerous place to be out on your own."

I just agreed and walked alongside him to the house silently.

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me!Where stories live. Discover now