Chapter III

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"Let me go!" Darlene said to the kidnapper, "Please?" 

The kidnapper just ignored her, which was maybe a good thing, because when he put Darlene down and finally gave her some personal space back, she saw that there were plenty people he also kidnapped. A bunch of other guys were yelling at them to quit complaining and being very rude and cussing a lot too. 

The other difference was that the others were, well, they looked really rich. Their complexions were all fair and flawless. Maybe these bandits were looking for money? Well Darlene sure didn't bring any money with her. Plus, she wasn't fair, flawless, or pretty. Why was she here, then?

"Found another witch, sire!" One of those guys shouted to no one in particular. At first, the kidnapper was ignored. Then, out of the shadows, a man came out. He looked like a king! Except, that he wasn't. Darlene had seen their ruler before, and he sure didn't look like him. Maybe it was a different king, or something...

Then a thought dawned on her. This might be another ruler trying to overthrow the government. 

Well, that still did not explain why she was here. And that did not explain the witch thing. Witches were bad, and she would be realllllll unlucky to encounter one. 

The 'sire' stroked his nonexistent beard. "Good, good. She is a young one." The kidnapper just nodded. "Bring her to my room, I shall see what she can do, before you idiots take away her potential."

Darlene almost breathed a sigh of relief. The witch could be taken care of. Except...

Come along, you. Darlene was jerked into a huge room and forced to kneel before the king-like figure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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